Family picture by lauren

Tara Whittington's Path of Life

  • Born

    Born in Council Bluffs, Iowa to my parents Doug and Kay Durfey
  • Moved

    My family and I moved to a bigger house in the same neighborhood. This was a change for me since I was going to be getting my own room and moving a away from my friend that lived down the street.
  • Grandma and Grandpa Durfey Divorce

    My dad's parents got a divorce. This was difficult for my dad because he was a grown up and did not see this coming. It was hard on me and my siblings as well because of the tension it caused within the entire family.
  • Aunt moves in

    Aunt moves in
    My aunt Kolleen moved in with us while she was teaching at a catholic school in town. While she lived with us my brother, sister and I got very close to her. Kolleen would braid my hair in the mornings, take me shopping with her, takes me to her work, and let me tag along with her almost anywhere.
  • 2nd Cousin dependent on us

    My cousin had a baby at a young age and needed help with her. For a few years after her birth we had her a lot and I spent a significant amount of time with her. I was watching/babysitting her often. This helped me mature faster I think.
  • Grandpa and Step Grandma Move in

    My grandpa and his new wife moved in with my family. My grandpa was diagnosed with diabetes and his wife was working towards getting her green card. My parents were helping them get adjusted to the new diet and way of living my grandpa needed to do and my mom was helping Bell get her green card.
  • Grandpa passed away

    My grandpa Durfey passed away after having a stroke at a blind school in Chicago. His diabetes had gotten worse and started to take his vision. My step grandma wanted him to learn brail so she took him to Chicago. He was not there long when he suffered a stroke that ultimately took his life. I never got to say goodbye to him but luckily my brother and his sister were able to get a red eye flight out there to see him (although sedated) and say their goodbyes.
  • Sister moved out

    My sister moved out of the house. I was still in high school so I think this did have an affect on me because I didn't have her there to tak to as readily.
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated high school and was preparing to start college.
  • Grandma diagnosed with breast cancer

    My grandma Durfey was diagnosed with breast cancer
  • Aunt Kolleen diagnosed with ovarian cancer

  • Graduated from Iowa Western Community College

    I graduated with my Associates of Arts Degree-Pre-Social Work Transfer.
  • Aunt Kolleen Passed Away

    Aunt Kolleen Passed Away
    My Aunt Kolleen passed away after a 2 year batte with ovarian cancer. This was a very tragic and rough time for myself and my family. We were all very close and this was heartbreaking. She left behind a husband and 4 young kids.
  • Got engaged

    Got engaged
    My boyfriend proposed to me on our 2 year anniversary!
  • Sister got married

    Sister got married
    We traveled to Estes Park, Colorado to watch the union of my sister and her wife-my new sister-in-law!
  • Married

    My husband and I got married on Friday May 7, 2010. It was an amazing day!
  • 1st Nephew was born

    1st Nephew was born
    My nephew Creighton Patrick was born. My sister and her wife were so excited! He was so precious!
  • Daughter was born

    Daughter was born
    Our daughter Kenzie Kay was born May 22, 2011 at 6:36pm weighing 8lbs 11oz and 22in long. She was perfect!
  • 2nd Nephew born

    2nd Nephew born
    My brother in law and his wife had Bryson on July 25, 2011. He is so cute!
  • Grandpa Joe had brain surgery

    My grandpa had to have surgery on his brain from a fall that caused bleeding on the brain. He was 82 at the time and made it through like a champ!
  • Went back to college

    I decided after leaving a para job and doing a desk job that my true passion was working with children. Although, I had struggled for years with trying to decide if I wanted to go back to school to get my teaching degree going to a desk job help me make the final choice. I enrolled right away and went back to being a para.
  • 2nd Daughter was born

    2nd Daughter was born
    Our second daughter Kendall Kathleen was born July 24, 2013 at 10:22am weighing 8lbs 1oz and 20 1/2 in long. Another perfect little girl!