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Birth - Early Childhood Love of Learning
Throughout my early childhood my parents fostered a true love of learning in me. From regular adventures to local museums to cross country history road trips, my childhood was filled with educational fun. My favorite game to play when I was young - school, with myself as the teacher. -
Graduated from Nashua High School
Nashua High School My educational experiences in high school had a profound effect on me. I discovered my love of government and law through my involvement with student senate, "We the People," and Junior Statesmen of America. I had many teachers who helped me flourish through their support, friendship, and challenging expectations. These teachers inspired me to eventually pursue a career in education. -
Graduated from University of New Hampshire
I graduated Summa Cum Laude honors-in-major with my BA in History. My concentration is in African American History post Civil war. -
University of Miami Law School
I entered the University of Miami, School of Law. -
Got Engaged!
I got engaged to my future husband who was living back in NH. I was commuting back and forth to see him while attending law school in Florida. -
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Rivier University Master's in Education
I left law school in Miami and moved home to NH to be with my future husband. At this time I began my master's program in education at Rivier University. I am currently enrolled. -
Got Married!
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Interned/Worked at Broad Street School
Broad StreetI got my first hands-on classroom experience in 4th and 5th grade classrooms. I worked with 2 fabulous mentors. -
Colby is born!!
My son is born and I become a stay at home mom! -
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Stay at Home Mom
I stay at home with my two boys, engaging them in rewarding and rich educational experiences. Everyday we learn from each other! -
Holden is born!
My second son is born, completing our famly.