Taoism Timeline

  • 1600 BCE

    Taoism Develops

    Early Taoist ideaologies (regading nature and balance with the universe) slowly begin spreading throughout Shang China.
  • 604 BCE

    Lao Tzu Born

    Lao Tzu, or Laozi, is born. He will go on to be the founder of Taoism, and write the Tao-Te-Ching, the Taoist text containing Laozi's teachings.
  • 350 BCE

    Zhuangzi continues philosophy

    Influential philosopher Zhuangzi studied the work of Lao Tzo and continued to expand it. He went on the provide the basis of early Taoist beliefs.
  • 142

    Taoism developes into an organized religion

    The Way of the Masters sect was founded by Zang Daoling, which was the first organized practice of Taoism, complete with complex rituals and devotions. The highest divine was Lao Tzu himself according to the sect.
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    Taoism recieves national attention

    As leader Cao Cao rises to power, he legitimasizes his rule by nationally recognizing a school of Taoists. This likely led to greater spread of the belief system of the Dao.
  • 220

    Taoism fourishes

    As the Han Dynasty collapsed Confucianism ides down and Taoism is given room to come out on top for a while.
  • 316

    Way of the Masters reamerges

    The famous sect of Taoism returns to the spotlight after the Six Dynasties period, splitting into two different sects, northern and southern. Impacts culture and politics.