Hockey photo

tanner schachle

  • my brothers and I

    my brothers and I
    This is a picture of my brothers and I when I was about four years old. I would have been in the "Initiative vs. Guilt" stage where exploration is important and the outcome is supposed to be purpose.
  • 4th grade

    4th grade
    This is a picture of me when I was in the fourth grade and about nine years old. I would have been in the "Industry vs. Inferiority" stage where school is important and confidence is the outcome. Also excuse my hair, I do not know what I was thinking.
  • friend group

    friend group
    This is a picture of my closest friends when I was about 18 years old. I would have been in the "Identity vs. Role Confusion" stage when social relationships were important and fidelity is the outcome. I am still close friends with all of these people even though we don't see each other that often.