
Tania Prudencio world war II timeline

By tania01
  • Nazi came in power.

  • SS Opens concentration camp

    SS opens the Dachau concentration camp outside of Munich.
  • Concentration Camps

    Concentration camps were used until 1945.
  • German President dies

  • Beginning of War

    The war begun with the invasion of Poland by Germany.
  • Germany invades

    Germany invades Denmakr and Norway.
  • Italy engers the war as an ally of Germany

  • Battle of Britain

  • German invasion

    German invasion of the Soviet Union
  • Battle of Moscow

  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor

  • U.S declares war on Japan

    U.S enters World War II.
  • Nazi declares war

    Nazi Germany declares war on the U.S
  • Germany and its Axis

    Germany and its Axis declare war on the U.S.
  • Battle of Midway

  • Battle of Stalingrad

  • Battle of Kursk

  • German troops Occupy Hungary.

  • D-Day

  • Battle of the Bulge

  • U.S troops cross the Rhine River at Remagen

  • President Roosevelt dies.

  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide

  • Germany seurrenders to the Western Allies

  • The U.S drops bombs.

    The U.S dropped atombc bombs on the Japanese cites of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • End of World War II