
  • Rapunzel is born

    Rapunzel is born
    This is an exposition because we are learning about the main character, Rapunzel.
  • Mother Gothel Kidnaps Rapunzel

    Mother Gothel Kidnaps Rapunzel
    This is an exposition because we learn about Mother Gothel, the story's villain.
  • Rapunzel's birthday is tomorrow, and she asks to see the "stars" aka the lanterns, and mother gothel says NO

    Rapunzel's birthday is tomorrow, and she asks to see the "stars" aka the lanterns, and mother gothel says NO
    This is a rising action because it starts a conflict between Gothel and Rapunzel and soon there will be a climax.
  • Flynn climbs up to the tower to hide from guards

    Flynn climbs up to the tower to hide from guards
    this is a rising action because we get introduced to Flynn who becomes Rapunzel's love interest.
  • Flynn and Rapunzel meet, and Rapunzel hits Flynn with a frying pan.

    Flynn and Rapunzel meet, and Rapunzel hits Flynn with a frying pan.
    This is still rising action because both the characters meet and they start bonding.
  • Rapunzel and Flynn make a deal, Flynn takes Rapunzel to see the lanterns and Rapunzel gives him the crown he stole

    Rapunzel and Flynn make a deal, Flynn takes Rapunzel to see the lanterns and Rapunzel gives him the crown he stole
    This is a rising action because the two of them are bonding, and both of them are starting to be more trusted towards each other.
  • Rapunzel escapes the tower with the help of Flynn

    Rapunzel escapes the tower with the help of Flynn
    This is the climax because Rapunzel broke a BIG rule that Mother Gothel set, plus this is where the story starts to change Rapunzel's opinion of the world.
  • Rapunzel and Flynn go to the bar

    Rapunzel and Flynn go to the bar
    This is a falling action because after Rapunzel escaped the tower Flynn took her here and she was starting to calm down after being outside for the first time.
  • Flynn and Rapunzel are at a campfire and Flynn goes to get wood, and Gothel comes out of nowhere

    Flynn and Rapunzel are at a campfire and Flynn goes to get wood, and Gothel comes out of nowhere
    This is another climax I would say because Gothel knows that Rapunzel disobeyed her, which leads to more conflict than before.
  • Rapunzel and Flynn go to the light ceremony

    Rapunzel and Flynn go to the light ceremony
    This is a falling action because this is what Rapunzel wanted to see all movie. Plus this is where they almost have their first kiss.
  • Flynn gets off the boat and spots the other bandits and goes to them to give back the crown

    Flynn gets off the boat and spots the other bandits and goes to them to give back the crown
    This is a falling action because he loves Rapunzel more than the crown.
  • Flynn gets knocked out by the bandits and they tie him to a post on a boat and set him sail.

    Flynn gets knocked out by the bandits and they tie him to a post on a boat and set him sail.
    This is another climax because after this Gothel told Rapunzel that he left her with the crown.
  • Rapunzel goes back to her tower and gets locked up by mother gothel

    Rapunzel goes back to her tower and gets locked up by mother gothel
    This is a rising action because this shows more conflict between both characters.
  • Flynn tries to save Rapunzel but gets stabbed by mother Gothel

    Flynn tries to save Rapunzel but gets stabbed by mother Gothel
    This is a climax because this shows someone about to die.
  • Rapunzel is crying over Flynn dying and mother gothel gives her a choice, She can be free but Flynn dies, or Flynn stays alive and she has to be with Gothel forever, And ovisously she chose Flynn

    Rapunzel is crying over Flynn dying and mother gothel gives her a choice, She can be free but Flynn dies, or Flynn stays alive and she has to be with Gothel forever,  And ovisously she chose Flynn
    This is a climax because this is a big decision for Rapunzel.
  • Flynn cuts off Rapunzel's hair so that she doesn't have to be with Gothel, Then right after he dies.

    Flynn cuts off Rapunzel's hair so that she doesn't have to be with Gothel, Then right after he dies.
    This is still a part of the climax because this is something big happening, because Rapunzel's hair is very important to mother Gothel, to Rapunzel.
  • Mother Gothel turns to ashes after Flynn cut off Rapunzel's hair

    Mother Gothel turns to ashes after Flynn cut off Rapunzel's hair
    This is a falling action because this is part of the resolution.
  • Rapunzel cries over Flynn and he comes back to life

    Rapunzel cries over Flynn and he comes back to life
    This is a falling action because this is also a part of the resolution because Mother Gothel dies, and Flynn comes back to life
  • Flynn and Rapunzel get married

    Flynn and Rapunzel get married
    This is the resolution because now they live happily ever after.