Arrival in Lake Windsor Downs
Paul and his mom arrive in Lake Windsor Downs, Tangerine County, Florida -
First Day of School
Paul's first day of school at Lake Windsor Middle School. -
Soccer Tryouts at Lake Windsor Middle School
Soccer Tryouts at Lake Windosr Middle School begin. -
Mike Costello Dies
Mike Costello Dies at football practice from being struck by lightning. -
Paul is kicked off the soccer team
Paul is told he can't play on the soccer team because he can't be insured by the school due to his eyes. -
The Sink Hole
A sink hole swallows up much of Lake Windsor Middle School and Paul helps save many students. -
Paul Starts School at Tangerine Middle School
Paul starts school at Tangerine Middle School because of the sink hole at Lake Windsor Middle School. -
Paul Starts Soccer at Tangerine Middle School.
Paul starts to play soccer at the Tangerine Middle School because his mom got rid of his dissability paperwork before turning it in to Tangerine Middle School. -
Tangerine Middle School's First Soccer Game
Tangerine Middle School played its first soccer game against Palmetto Middle School and won 2 to 0. -
The Start of the Tangerine Project
Paul and some of his new friends start a cross-curricular project on the Golden Dawn tangerine, a new variety of tangerine developed by Tino's brother. -
The Visit to Tomas Cruz Groves/Nursery.
Paul and the rest of his project group go and visit Tino's brother, Luis, at the tree nursery and learn about the Golden Dawn tangerines. -
Tangerine Middle School Vs. Lake Windsor Middle School
Tangerine Middle School plays its last soccer game against Lake Windsor Middle School and ties the game thanks to Paul saving many goals. Tangerine Middle School wins the title because they have the better record. -
The Project Group Meets at Paul's House
The Project group meets at Paul's house to finish up the project. Tino is smacked by Paul's brother Erik after making fun of him about a mistake he made in a football game. -
Luis is Hit by Arthur
Luis comes to retaliate against Erik for hitting Tino. Arthur hits Luis in the head with a blackjack on orders from Erik. Paul watches the whole thing while he is hiding. -
Paul helps save the Tomas Cruz Groves
Paul helps work to save the Tomas Cruz Groves from the freeze. -
Luis Cruz Dies
Luis Cruz dies from an aneurysm that killed him because of the hit in the head from Arthur with the blackjack. -
Victor and Tino Attack Arthur and Erik.
Victor and Tino attack Arthur and Erik at the football awards night because of what they did to Luis. Paul helps Victor and Tino escape by jumping on a teacher. -
Arthur and Erik Are Found Out
People find out the Arthur and Erik had been the people stealing from the termite houses and they had also caused the death of Luis Cruz. Paul volunteers to make a statement about what happened with Luis Cruz. -
Paul is Expelled
Paul is expelled from Tangerine Middle School for attacking a teacher to help Tino and Victor escape the football awards ceremony. -
Paul Starts School at St. Anthony's
Paul Starts School at St. Anthony's private school.