Tangerine Timeline

  • Texas to Florida: part:1

    Paul's family moved from Texas to Florida for Eric's football dream.
  • First day of school: part:1

    It was the first day of school for paul in lake windsor middle school.
  • Mike Costello died: part:1

    Mike costello died because he got hit by lightning and because he had his hand in the goalpost.
  • Sinkhole: part:1

    There was a sinkhole in lake windsor middle and paul was helping to get out the students that were going inside the sinkhole with some buildings.
  • paul moved schools: part:2

    Paul moved schools from lake windsor middle to Tangerine middle because of the sinkhole in lake windsor middle.
  • paul made it to the soccer team: part:2

    Paul made it to the Tangerine middle soccer team and that is where he wants to be.
  • Paul went flying: part:2

    Paul went flying through the air in a soccer game because Gino fooled Paul by him going the other way with the ball.
  • Luis Cruz died: part:3

    Luis died because Arthur hit Luis in the head with a blackjack. Luis's father found him out in the grove.
  • paul got expelled: part:3

    Paul got expelled for jumping on the coach.
  • paul moved schools again: part:3

    Paul moved schools again from Tangerine middle to St.Anthony's.