
Tangerine by Edward Bloor

By Emak08
  • Paul Moves

    Paul moves from Houston, Texas to Tangerine County, Florida.
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    Part 1

  • The Tangerine Middle Soccer Team

    Paul finds out that he can't be on the soccer team because he is vision impaired.
  • The Sinkhole...

    A sinkhole sucked part of Lake Windsor Middle School into it. Because of the horrific event, Paul starts at Tangerine Middle
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    Part 2

  • Erik Slips and Falls

    In Lake Windsor's first football game, Erik tried to kick the ball as hard as he could on a field. The only thing was it was a fake. As the place holder pulled the ball away, Erik flopped on the muddy ground and everybody screamed and hollard at Erik
  • Joey Leaves Tangerine Middle

    After Joey and Tino have an argument over a science project, Joey takes his anger out on Paul and he leaves Tangerine Middle to go back to Lake Windsor Middle School.
  • Luis's Home/Farm

    Becuase of his science project with his group, Paul visits Luis's home, brother of Tino. In their farm, they have tangerine crops which are tended often by Luis and the other people that work on the farm.
  • The Championship

    In the championship against Lake Windsor, the teams tied 2-2, only becasue of Paul Fisher save against Gino. However, Tangerine Middle won te chamionship the championship because of their better record.
  • Working on the Farm

    Paul worked on Luis's farm to help him keep the crops in tact throughout the cold night, so the tangerines would keep growing.
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    Part 3