Tammy's timeline

  • birth

    I was born on January 14, 2005 in Tampa Florida
  • moving to Texas

    In 2008, I moved from Tampa Florida to Hoston Texas.
  • Pre-school

    In 2009, I started preschool
  • Moved in with Aunt

    In 2010, I moved in with my aunt and my cousins
  • started kindergarten

    In 2010 I started kindergarten at Arizona Flemming Elementary
  • Went on a tour of Asia

    In the summer of 2011, I went on a tour of Asia with my mom. We went to the main countries, such as China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, etc. She also accidentally left me at the airport in China and I had to fly back to The U.S. by myself.
  • Started tennis

  • started Martial arts

  • broke leg

  • Went on a Europe tour

    In the summer of 2012 I went on a tour of Europe with my mom and aunt
  • tried ballet and golf

    In 2011, i tried ballet and golf, but I hated it.
  • got lung surgery

    In the 4th grade I had to get surgery on my lungs cause they weren't working properly
  • Got diagnose with anxiety and depression

  • moved to Georgia

    In the summer after 4th grade i moved to Georgia with my other aunt
  • started a new school

    After moving to Georgia, I started 5th grade at a new school, Mason elementary school.
  • started an after school

    In the 5th grade i started going to an after school called Creme de la Creme and made new friends there
  • Grandpa died and went to his funeral

    In 2016 my grandpa died and we went to his funeral in Vietnam
  • Started middle school

    I started middle school at Hull middle school
  • got a cat

    I got a cat named scooter
  • Lung surgery

  • Started high school

  • made a solid friend group

    Once I got to highschool i started making new friends
  • covid-19

    The covid 19 pandemic started in 2020 and we had to start online school
  • started sophomore year

    I started sophomore year online in 2020
  • started junior year

  • went to hoco

  • high school graduation

  • started college

  • college graduation

  • job

    First job at a hospital as a resident
  • married

    got married in 2027 after college
  • bought house

  • finished residency

  • opened private practice

  • had first child

  • adopted a child

  • adopted second child

  • retired

  • died