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Taiping Rebellion

  • Hong Xiuquan Birth

  • Creation of the god worshippers society

    Hong’s friend Feng Yunshan creates the God-Worshipping Society then went around and destroyed temples statues of idol worship.
  • Period: to

    Taiping Rebellion

  • Changing the Name

    God Worshipping Society changes into the Taiping Tianguo or The Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace
  • Battle of Changsha

    Big win for the Qing because they took Changsha.
  • The Capture city of Nanjing.

    The Taiping's captured the city of Nanjing and Hong declared it the Heavenly Capital of his kingdom.
  • Third Battle of Nanjing

    This is the last major battle of the Taiping Rebellion. During this time it seemed as though they would overthrow the Qing empire. But the Qing Empire prevailed and basically this is the breaking point of the war.
  • Period: to

    Third Battle of Nanjing

    This is the last major battle of the Taiping Rebellion. During this time it seemed as thought they would over throw the Qing empire. But the Qing Empire prevailed and basically this is the breaking point of the war.
  • Hong Xiuquan Death