Tabby the cat

  • Baby Tabby

    Baby Tabby
    On one gloomy, rainy day in August, the back ally of Mr. Sushi's restaurant added one more guest to their evening reservations. Near the dumpster, in a soggy cardboard box, a straggly cat gave birth to a tiny little kitten. The mother named her Tabby. For the first years, Tabby and her mother survived by scavenging and hunting around Mr. Sushi's restaurant.Erikson's first stage of Development is trust vs. mistrust. The crisis is not knowing who to trust, and having to rely on a caregiver.
  • Child Tabby

    Child Tabby
    While learning how to hunt and scavenge from her mother and other ally-cats, Tabby struggled to keep up. She seemed to never catch the best rats and bird's, often becoming envious of the big game her peers had managed to catch. She questioned whether or not she'd ever become as good as the other ally cats. Erikson's 4th stage is Industry versus Inferiority, during which children learn from their peers and often compare themselves to others as they pick up new skills.
  • Old Tabby

    Old Tabby
    Fast-forward 10 years, Tabby is still living behind Mr. Sushi's restaurant. Tabby's mother has long since passed and Tabby roams the ally alone. One day, while climbing the fire-escapes of the city, she runs into a black cat who was sun-bathing in the window. The black cat is quick to greet Tabby and share affection. Tabby refused to show emotion towards him because she has always lived alone. Erikson's sixth stage is intimacy vs. isolation, where we seek intimacy for fear of ending up alone.