
T-ED 200 Historical Timeline

  • Frederick Taylor - Scientific Management

    Frederick Taylor - Scientific Management
    Fredrick Taylor’s impact on modern education formalized the “sorting” process for students. It advanced how schools could categorize and compartmentalize education and improved the basic level of efficiency. It made the process of education easier so that later it could be refined to include more sophisticated elements and subjects using the same systems.
  • NAACP Formation

    NAACP Formation
    The formation of this organization was a huge step in formal representation for African-Americans in the United States. Students rights and accessibility to education benefitted especially as the group went on to create a foundation for further fights for rights with its legal team and educational fund to help gain traction. The fight for equality hit its stride with this catalyst.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    As the Depression progressed, school enrollment went up across the country. This unique supply and demand scenario shaped education further. It created a new generation of workers that flexed the way America looked at its education: as an necessary precursor to a stronger workforce.
  • Coleman Report

    Coleman Report
    This report, issued as a wake-up call to America’s education system, was a stand-out point for its findings. The report pointed out factors that depended on a strong family influence to help students be successful. This was an important step toward looking more closely at the workings around education, not just the classroom, specifically for identifying those considered disadvantaged.
  • A Nation at Risk

    A Nation at Risk
    This report put the quality of America’s public schools on the scope of many American’s in the early eighties. It was a push that resulted in a demand for more standardization, testing and results-based evaluation. As reports should be, it was a stark look at the way the U.S. measured up to the rest of the world, driving competition in an effort to deter stagnation.