Syrian War

By omcleod
  • French colonial rule ends

  • Syria and Egypt become United Arab Republic

  • Local coup instates Baath party and separates from Egypt

  • Hafez al-Assad (daddy) overthrows government and becomes President

  • Hafez dies and is succeeded by son Bashar al-Assad

  • Protests in Damascus and Deraa

    Protests in Damascus and the southern city of Deraa demand the release of political prisoners. Security forces shoot a number of people dead in Deraa, triggering days of violent unrest that steadily spread nationwide over the following months. The government announces some conciliatory measures in an attempt to damp down unrest. President Assad releases dozens of political prisoners and dismisses the government, and in April lifts the 48-year-old state of emergency. However, he accuses protester
  • Army tanks enter

    Army tanks enter Deraa, Banyas, Homs and suburbs of Damascus in an effort to crush anti-regime protests. US and European Union tighten sanctions. President Assad announces amnesty for political prisoners.
  • People flee

    The government says that 120 members of the security forces have been killed by "armed gangs" in the northwestern town of Jisr al-Shughour. Troops besiege the town and more than 10,000 people flee to Turkey. President Assad pledges to start a "national dialogue" on reform.
  • Deaths in Hama

    President Assad sacks the governor of the northern province of Hama after mass demonstration there, eventually sending in troops to restore order at the cost of scores of lives.
  • Russia and China veto UN resolution condemning Syria.

  • Arab League votes to suspend Syria

    Arab League votes to suspend Syria, accusing it of failing to implement an Arab peace plan, and imposes sanctions
  • Arab visit is suspended due to worsening violence

    Syria agrees to an Arab League initiative allowing Arab observers into the country. Thousand of protesters gather in Homs to greet them, but the League suspends its mission in January because of worsening violence.
  • Violence worsens and Russia and China veto another resolution

    Russia and China block a UN Security Council draft resolution on Syria, and the government steps up the bombardment of Homs and other cities, recapturing the Homs district of Baba Amr the following month.
  • UN falls short of another resolution on Syria

  • UN condemns Syria

    UN Security Council strongly condemns the government's use of heavy weaponry and the militia killing of more than a hundred civilians in Houla, near Homs. France, the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Canada and Australia expel senior Syrian diplomats in protest.
  • Assad government uses Sarin Gas to kill more than 1,700 civilians in Ghouta, Damascu

  • UN Resolution 2118

    Required the destruction of all chemical weapons in the Syrian conflict.
  • OPCW ddeclares that the last f the chemical weapons have been destroyed