After the invasion of the Sinaí Penninsula by Israel troops, and the ínter ventilan of British and French troops, marcial law was declared in Syria
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Syrian President Shukri and Nasser announced the emerger of the two countries, creating the United Arab Republic
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President Háfez al-Ásad had been ruling for 1 year while US President Richard Nixon
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Syria attacked Israel in order to recover the Golan
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The Syrian branch censores the Muslim Brotherhood and the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan
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al-Assad renewed his mándate for seven years and took power in the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, a reformer
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There were demostrating in favor of democracy in China and Bejing while later at the same time al-Assad was related
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After the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, Syria joined the Western Coalition that free Kuwait in Exchange for Washington promise
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Period: to
Post-Cold War
The post–Cold War era may seem a conflict-prone period in
which savage wars flare up with unexpected intensity around
the world, in places such as Rwanda and Syria -
Basel al-Assad died, it was the firstborn and the successor
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Háfez al-Assad died and the sucesor takes the power (Bashar al-Assad)
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After the assassination of Rafik Hariri, Washington attempted to initiate the war, but it could not be initiated, as Syriawithdrew its troops from Lebanon
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A delegation of opposition groups of the Syrian Salvation Front met with the American National Security Council
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Period: to
In Lybia and Syria
Violent repression against protesters
sparked violent uprisings, leading to the bloody overthrow
of Libya’s dictator, and a prolonged
civil war in Syria with a divided international
community unable to respond effectively -
Arab revolutions, a protest movement explodes in Syria, a country Asad Family has been ruling for 40 years
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Syrian government killed more than 1,000 civilians with a Chemical attack
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Period: to
The Assad regime almost collapsed
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An aproximate Number of people who have died in the war is a figure of 312,000, including men, Women and children
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al-Assad had retaken major cities
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After losing its last territory in Syria , the Islamic State quickly reclaimed global attention with the Easter bombings in Sri Lanka