Arrest of Destruptive Kids
A group of students in a city called Dar'aa painted the school words stating some sentences that were against Syria’s president, Bashar AlAssad and his regime. Somehow the police found out about it, got to the school, arrested the kids that had done it, and took them to an unknown place. When the parents asked the official powers about their children, they were sent back home. A few weeks later, the kids were released with signs of torture on their bodies. This was the start of the revolution. -
Car Bombings
This was the first major killing caused in Syria. Car bombings take hold near the Syrian Intelligence Agencies in Damascus. 44 people were killed and 166 were injured at the very least. The blame is put on the Al-Qaida militants. These car bombings caused Syrians to fuel up and protest even more. -
U.S. relations with Syria
On the 6th of February, the United States of America under the presidency of Barack Obama closes its U.S. embassy in Damascus and immediately pulls out all its American diplomats from there. Up to this day, European Union bans the import of Syrian oil, Syria's position in the Arab League in the UN is pulled out, and Turkey announces sanctions against Syria. The U.S. embassy is later attacked leaving 4 attackers dead and a car explosion taking place. US is not accepted by the Syrians in any way. -
The Threat of Chemical Weapons
Syria has received several threats of an outside/foreign attack. Therefore, as a result to those threats, Syria has threatened to unleash chemical and biological weapons agaisnt everyone and anyone that interferes, INCLUDING the usage of those weapons against their own citizens. This is the first time that Syria reveals its posession of weapons of mass destruction. -
U.N. Inspectors
A U.N. inspectors group is sent out to Moadamiyet al-Sham, near Damascus, where a chemical attack had been reported to have taken place. On their way there, they get hit by sniper fire, but no one is injured. This explains that Syrians in general are not really accepting any outside help. -
USA in action
Obama decides that the United States of America should and will take military action against Syria due to the fact of the usage of chemical and biological weapons. This shows what the opposing side - USA - is willing to do regarding the Syrian conflict. -
USA agrees with Russia
USA and Russia agreementThe United States of America agrees with Russia upon planning the elimination of chemical weapons in Syria. Two of the power 5 contries have agreed on something that might spark a great event in history.