Battle Of Lexington And Concord
Shot heard around the world. British winner of Lexington. Patriot win at concord. This event was important beacuse Lexington and Concord were the very first military engagements of the Revolutionary War. Some very important people include Paul Revere and the riders. They are the ones who sounded the alarm. -
Second Contienental Congress Meets
Continental Congress meets a secind time in the wonderful state of PA (Pennsylvania) this is the meeting George Washington named Commander and Chief. This event was dearly impotant beacuse Washington had them to to many victories. Some important people include George Washignton himself, James Monroe, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams. The list can continue indeed. -
Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
Benedict Arnoldalong with Ethan Allen and Green Mt. boys capture Fort Ticonderoga. This is important because this fort was indeed built during the sven years war by the French themselves. This fort was captured strongly by the British. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
Militia Patriots control Bunker Hill. They had heard he British were planning to attack so they set up fortifications. But later the patriots had to retreat beacuse the British Army was much stronger. In the victory of the British, the British had gained control of Breeds Hill. This event in time is important because this was the start of the bloody battles of independence. -
George Washington Named Commander-in-chief
George Washington had led the Continental Army to many victories. So he was gladly in favor of being named Commander-in-Chief of the Contienental Army. This was important because he led them through harsh times and difficult fights and battles. -
Battle of Trenton
Battle of Trenton was fought on the day after Christmas. This battle was Hessians vs. Contienental Army. The Contienental Army crosses the Deleware River to Trenton, New Jersey to fight the Hessians at daybreak. (morning) The contienental Army was successful, as the Hessians had surrendered. This battle was important beacsue the Hessians had beat them the first time and the Continental Army showed their strength and beat the Hessians. -
American Defeat At Quebec
First major defeat for the Americans. 400 men were were taken/captured as British prisoners. British had won this battle. This was important beacuse Arnold and Montgomery demanded surrender in the city. Carelton denied command and the Patriots commenced a bombardment of Quebec. Some important people are Arnold and Carelton. -
British Evacuate Boston
After Bunker Hill British stay in Boston. The british are surrounded by an increasing amount of continental soldiers. The british are commanded or well they are pretty much forced out of Boston. This is important beacause the British have to leave their hometown. (most of their hometown). Two important people are George Washington and Sir William Howe. -
Declaration of Independence Issued
The Declaration Of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and had been adopted by Continental Army. This was important because this had declared Americans Idependence. Their fight to freedom! A very important person is Thomas Jefferson for he wrote the Declaration of Independence. -
Battle of Long Island
Washington had marched his troops from Boston to New York. Where the British had attcaked them and forced them to Manhatten. Washington left 3,000 men to protect the fort. (Fort Washington). British had won this battle. This was important beacause this was the military campaign for the British to gain control of New York. Impotant person was General George Washington. -
British Occupy New York City
General Howe was focused on capturing New York City. There were many loyalists who lived there. They thought it would help their army from their loss of Boston. This was important because this is were most loyalists lived. The british had thought they could help get a better army. Important people include their leader General Howe. -
Battle of Brandywine
The British defeated the Americans and forced them to withdraw toward American capitol Philedelphia. PA This is a sad loss for Americans. George Washington thought his troops and land was safe but we all know it was in deep danger. General Howe and George Washington are two very important people. -
Battle of Saratoga
This battle decided the fate of the independence. This war causes the British to surrender and abondon city. The Americans are victorious. This is important beacuse this is a huge step for the Americans. An important person is George W. -
British Occupy Philedelphia
British Army proudly marches in the city of Philedlphia. When they here about the France alliance with Americans they have strong fear. This is important beacuse the Britsh fear of a lot more battles because they are hated by the French already. They get terryified when they here about the allaince. An important person in this event is General Howe because he was able to enter PA safely and occupy it. -
Articles Of Confederation Adopted
The Continental Army was in need of a government. So they adopted the Articles of Confederation. So they could get independence. Now... they needed approval from the staes. This was important because these articles helped draft the constitution for America. Important people are, Benjamin Franklin,Thomas Jefferson , John Dickinson, Richard Henry Lee,Daniel Shays, George Washington, and many more. -
Winter at Valley Forge
Starvation, diesese, and exposure killed nearly 2,500 American soldiers. This evernt is important beacuse this time they lost many soldiers but George Washington was an magnificant leader and helped the Continental Army stay strong. -
Alliamce With France
The Treaty Of Alliance was formed with France just in case of another attack from the British. This event is important because it made the British fear of an uprising or an attack for the France are as well an enemy to them. Three important people are Ben Franklin, Lafayette, and George Washington. -
Battle of Monmouth Court House
American war of Independence. This took place in Monmouth NJ. The winner of the Battles could go either way. Both of the sides said they won. So its you who decides. This is important beacuse it steers the way to independence. This battle was more of a tie. Eah side declared a strong victory. These Generals fought each other. Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton, Major General Earl Cornwallis and Major General Knyphausen against General George Washington and Major General Charles Lee. -
Fall Of Savannah
British captured Savannah Georgia on a sneak attack to the Americans. This was a scary and brutal sneak attack to the Americans. It was important because first it was the bloodiest battle in the American revolutionary war. It was also the French and American forces fighting side by side. Important person is Henry Clinton. -
Spain enters the War
Spain had always supported the colnists. They wanted to help in anyway they could. This is important beacuse they had a special treaty with France that promised they would join them. -
Siege of Charelston
This took place in the end of the war. Contienetal Army Benjamin Lincoln surrendered 5,000 troops to the British. this is important because it was the biggest loss in the Revolutionary War. Britsh gained ownership of most of the Southern Colonies. -
Benedict Arnold's Treason Discovered
Benedict Arnold wanted to hand over West Point for money and a postion in the British Army. This important mainly because it hurt the Americans beacuse of this act of Treason. -
French and Birtish Battle in Chesapake Bay
This was a crucial navel battle. The French wanted to attack British forces in NY or VA. Britain had to surrender. An important person is de Grasse. For he was the leader of France. -
Siege of Yorktown
Cornwallis has found himself trapped and pleads in surrneder of his terrible loss. French fleets had defeated British Navals. This is important beacuse it is one of the most important battles in this war. A main person is General George Washington because he wanted to siege Yorktown -
Cornwallis Surrenders
Cornwallis had surrendered to the French and Americans for he had lossed miserably. He was under seige. This is important beacsue he had lossed at Yorktown and he knew that he would never be able to win so cornwallis had to surrender.