Sydney Barile, Eddie Kando, Henrique Mello

By ekando
  • School Rights

    In 1938 the Supreme Court ruled that every state had to offer equal education oppertunities.
  • School Rights

    In 1946, an African-American named Heman Sweatt applied to the law school at the university of Texas which did not accept black students.
  • Military Movement

    President Truman created the comitee on Civil Rights to study radical discrimination and to suggest federal solutions to this problem.
  • Military Movement

    President Truman ended segregation in the military.
  • School Rights

    In 1950 the Supreme Court ruled in Sweatt v. Paintter that the new school did not provide African-Americans with access to equal academic prestige, facilities, or instructors.
  • School Rights

    The Supreme Court ruled in the Brown case that segregation in public school was illegal.
  • School Rights

    The court made its ruling stronger, ordering public schools to desegregate "with all deliberate speed."
  • Bus Boycott

    Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person on the bus and was arrested.
  • Bus Boycott

    Supreme Court ruled that MOntgomery's bus system was illegal.
  • School Rights

    The School Board selected nine outstanding African-American students, known as the Little Rock, to attend central high school in 1957
  • School Rights

    In May,1958, Earnest Green became the first African-American student to graduate from Central Hish School.
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    School Rights

    Governor Fabus closed the Little Rock public school during the 1958-59 school year.