
Syd Barrett

  • Syd is born, his birth name is Roger Keith Barrett

    Syd is born, his birth name is Roger Keith Barrett
  • His father dies of cancer, this puts a burden on him he never was able to shake off

  • Syd and Roger Waters-future member of Pink Floyd-perform their fist gig together

    Syd and Roger Waters-future member of Pink Floyd-perform their fist gig together
  • Syd goes to the Cambridge technical art department and meets future Pink Floyd member, David Gilmour

    Syd goes to the Cambridge technical art department and meets future Pink Floyd member, David Gilmour
  • He then goes to Camberwell College of arts to study painting and forms what will become Pink Floyd

  • He bgins to take the drug that will destroy his sanity with his friend

    He bgins to take the drug that will destroy his sanity with his friend
  • During this month, he writes many of his best songs while on his outings with his friends

  • The UFO rock venue opens and Pink Floyd becomes very popular there

  • Pink Floyd releases their dubut album and gains mainstream attention, which Syd does not enjoy

    Pink Floyd releases their dubut album and gains mainstream attention, which Syd does not enjoy
  • As Syd's behavior worsens, the other members of Pink Floyd are forced to get a back-up guitarist, David O'List and then later David Gilmour

  • Syd starts abusing drugs and his behavior gets more and more erratic

    Syd starts abusing drugs and his behavior gets more and more erratic
  • Recording for the Mapcap Laughs begins. Those helping him find it hard because his unpredictable style of music

  • With the help of his former bandmates, syd is able to release a solo album, The Madcap Laughs

    With the help of his former bandmates, syd is able to release a solo album, The Madcap Laughs
  • Syd's last concert at the Olympia Exhibition Hall

  • After many hard months of recording, Syd's final solo album, Barrett, is released

    After many hard months of recording, Syd's final solo album, Barrett, is released
  • Syd makes his last appearance on BBC but does an extensive interview a month later

  • Syd watches Pink Floyd record a song about him and he changed so much they at first can't recognize him

    Syd watches Pink Floyd record a song about him and he changed so much they at first can't recognize him
  • From about this time on, Syd avoids making public appearances and finds passion in flowers, taking walks on the beach, photography,and painting

    From about this time on, Syd avoids making public appearances and finds passion in flowers, taking walks on the beach, photography,and painting
  • EMI releases The Best of Syd Barrett: Wouldn't you Miss me?, a compilation of Syd's solo career

    EMI releases The Best of Syd Barrett: Wouldn't you Miss me?, a compilation of Syd's solo career
  • Syd dies at his mother's house aged 60 of pancreatic cancer

    Syd dies at his mother's house aged 60 of pancreatic cancer