
Sweep their ranks while we just eat them already!!

By dshuman
  • Noxian King Boram Darkwill Assassinated

    General Boram Darkwill and his accompanying platoon of Raedsel Guardsman were found slain on the roads not far from the village. Analysis of the scene indicated that the entire troop was eliminated with terrifying efficiency. Noxian scouts were unable to find any traces of an attacking force or any signs of survivors. Swain later ordered the bodies of every slain Noxian soldier be put to fire, as is the Noxian ceremony for fallen ranking officers in wartime condition. Demacia is accused.
  • War in Kalamanda

    The collective fears of Valoran were realized in Kalamanda as the standoff between Noxus and Demacia escalated to all-out war. Initial estimates placed casualties in the hundreds. It appeared that Prince Jarvan IV of Demacia struck the first blow against General Swain of Noxus. According to eyewitnesses, Swain was making his usual rounds of the Noxian camp when he was ambushed by Jarvan. The two became locked in combat, and none could end their exceedingly long standoff.
  • Kalamanda Pacified

    The Fighting which broke out as a result of the Jarvan/Swain standoff escalated into a full on battle. Soldier of Demacia, Noxus, Piltover and Zaun were all locked on their respective sides in combat. The battle extended to such great lengths that various powerful Summoners from the League were forced to use a powerful time spell the likes of which had not been seen since the Rune Wars in order to pacify the soldiers. Everything within this giant bubble is frozen until removed.
  • Swain returns to Noxian High Command

    The turmoil in Noxus following the death of Grand General Boram Darkwill intensified this week when SwainSquare.png Jericho Swain returned to High Command. Upon his arrival, the Master Tactician gained the immediate support of Noxus's prominent military figures, positioning him as the strongest rival to Keiran Darkwill for leadership of Noxus. Swain has support from many sources, including Darius, Noxus's current highest ranking officer.
  • Swain Seizes Power in Noxus

    SwainSquare.png Jericho Swain defeated Keiran Darkwill in a duel contesting the leadership of Noxus last night, winning the support of High Command. Despite rumors of involvement with the Institute of War's scandal in Kalamanda, Swain has been named Grand General – the highest position in Noxus.