Fort Sumter
This Battle started at 4:30 AM on April 12th. One of the 3 states, Fort Pickens, Florida, and Fort Sumter that stayed under federal jurisdiction. Fort Sumter didnt have any strategies at all. President Lincoln had to decide wheter to abandon the two forst or provide relief efforts. Before supplies could be sent, Confederate authorities wanted the fort to be evacuated, but the soldiers refused, which resulted in 34 hours of shelling. Major Anderson was finally forced to surrendor -
First Bull Run
Started on July 21st. It took 2 hours for 10,000 Federals to push back 4,500 rebels across the Warrington turnpike and up Henery House Hill. Then in the afternoon, both sides traded attacks and counterattacks near Henry House Hill. By 4 in the afternoon, both sides had 18,000 men on the field. Beauregard ordered his men to counterattack along the entire line, but the confederates managed to break it. This war cost some 3,000 Union casualties, compared with 1,750 for the Confederates. -
Hampton Roads
This Battle began on March 9th, 1862 at 8:00 AM. This was the first battle of the Civil War between ironclad warships. This battle was an attempt by the Confederates to break the Union blockade in Southern ports in Virginia. The Confederates were using the ship named the Merrimack and the Union was using the ship named Monitor. The winner of the battle was undecided. -
Second Bull run
Second Bull Run
August 28th-August 30th, 1862. The fighting at Brawner Farm lasted several hours and resulted in a stalement. Pope believed that he had trapped Jackson, and focused the bulk of his army against him. Pope launched a series of attacks against Jackson’s position. The attacks resulted with heavy casualties on both sides. On August 30th, Pope renewed his attacks, even with Longstreet on the feild. When the confederate artillery crushed the union in an assult, Longstreets wing of -
This battle was fought on the Northern soil. It was the bloodiest day in American history, with over 22,000 casualties. They batled along the Antietam Creek, at Sharpsburg, Maryland. Lee withdrew across the river on September 18th with 10,318 casualties. -
On November 7th, 1862, President Lincoln apointed Ambrose Burnside as the new comander of the Army of the Potomac, replacing Commander George McClellan. On December 11th thebattle began with more than 120,000 Union troops. Robert E.Lee and the confederate troops did not put up much of a fight because they were waiting for more troops from Stonewall Jackson. The Union lost over 13,000 men in this battle while the Confederates lost only 5,000 and the battle ended on December 13th. -
This battle started on April 30th, 1863. Lee was victorious but one of his best generals was wounded by friendly fire in the battle . Although it was Lee's greatest victory. Early on May 2nd, Jackson and 30,000 men followed a route that led them to Hookers weak flank. Jackson attacked in late afternoon, he ended up defeating half of Hookers line. On May 6th, recrossed the Rappahannock, he lost 17,278 casualties to Lee's 12,826, including Jackson. -
This Battle begun July 1st, 1863. President Lincoln named Major General George Gordon Meade as the new commander of the Army of the Potomac. Part of the battle occurred on the slopes of Little Round Top. After two days of fighting, the casualties from both sides totaled to 35,000. Pickett's Charge was a filure and his division lost two-thirds of the men. On July 4th, General Lee had to withdraw with the soldiers in defeat and it was a great loss for the Confederacy. -
Spring of 1862-July 1863
Union wanted to take the confederate stronghold of Vicksburg. Vicksburg became the key remaining point of their defense of the Missisippi River. The union wanted Vicksburg because the Mississippi River was a very powerful thing. It could effect the war very much. On May 18th Grant arrived at Vicksburg where Pemberton’s troups were isolated. By early june the confederates were short of amunition and close to starving. Pemberton surrended the city on July 4th -
On a cool autumn morning, September 19th, 1863.. the battle of Chickamauga started. Union and Confederate forces were fighting over control of the railroad center. Bragg had 65,000 men on their way to the battlefield, or already there. Bragg thought they had a pretty good chance at winning considering he had lots of men, Braggs men repeatedly attacked the Union left, controlled by George Thomas.This was by far one of the most costliest battles. The south ended up losing, -
Gettysburg Address
This speech took place on November 19th, 1863. This was one of the most memorable speeches in American history. The speech was only 272 words, but Lincoln somehow managed to explain exactly why the Union had to fight and win the civil war. Over three days, 45,000 men were killed, missing, or wounded. Everett spoke for two hours before Lincoln gave his 3 minute speech. The speech explained how he looked at it, and how it was not just to save the Union, but a way to get equality for all. -
Peninsula Campaign
Peninsula Campaign
In 1861, Lincoln named George B McClellen general of the general in cheif of all Union Armies.
He thought the confederates were stronger then what they actually were so he was hesitant to attack. Eventually lincoln told him his number one command was for all armies to move forward.
By early april, 60,000 of McClellans soldiers were facing the confederate lines near yorktown. Although most of Johnston’s troops were nearly 80 miles away, McClellan defyed Lincoln’s orders to at -
The battle of Shiloh was the second great engagement of the american Civil War. On April 6th, 1862, confederate generals launched a suprprise attack on General Grants forces. They had initial successes, but soon could not hold their positions and were forced back resulting in a union victory. Both sides suffered heavy losses and there were 23,000 casualties. IN February, Grant had taken Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. The confederates knew these forts were important and abandoned their st -
Grant’s opening battle substained offensive against the confederate army, known as the Overland Campaign was fought in the Wilderness, it took place on May 5th-7th. On May 5th, 1864, the Union attacked Ewell’s corps on the Orange turnpike. ON May 6th, at dawn, Hancock attacked near the plank road, driving Hill’s corps back. Grant did not back down. It was an in conclusive outcome. 18,400 union, and 11,000 confederate casualties. -
For twelve days Spotsylvania saw some of the bloodiest battles of the civil war. 18,000 union and 11,000confederate casualties. The confederates built a huge salient in their lines, its shape earned the name “mule shoe”. On May 12th, Union armies assulted the mule shoe salient in a daring charge across 200 yards of open ground. The confederate artillery forced them back to their initial positions. On May 12th, at dawn, Hancock’s Union corps attacked the confederate mule shoe salien -
Petersburg Campaign
Petersburg Campaign
Started on June 9, 1964. By the end of August, general Grant had crossed the petersburg-weldon railroad. He had captured Fort Harrison on September 29th. By years end however, General Robert E. Lee still held Richmond and Petersburg.The Confederates were basically imobilized due to railroads breaking down. Grant crushed a main southern force, on April 1st. The next day defenders were pushed back into the Petersburg inner defenses. Lee told president Jefferson Davis that the -
Mobile Bay
Mobile Bay:
On august 5th, 1864 The Union ship Tecumseh hit a mine and sank. Farragut climbed into the Hartfort and went full speed ahead. The Hartford was in the lead and it sailed into Mobile Bay.For two hours it fought the Tennessee, eventually ending in the Tennessee's surrender. Mobile Bay was now in the Union’s hands. On August 23rd, Fort Morgan surrendered, thereby sealing the Gulf Coast from further blockade running. -
Sherman's march
Sherman’s March
After they lost Atlanta, the confederacy went towards tennesee and Alabama, attacking the Unions supplies as they went. General george thomas took nearly 60,000 men to meet the confederates in Nashville, while Sherman took the other 20,000 on an offensive march. Sherman led his troops on a destructive campaign, which ended in the capture of the port city of Savannah on December 21st. It effected the souths capacity to wage war. The confederates lost. This attack was brutal and -
Lincoln's assasination
Lincoln’s Assassination-
Lincoln was assassinated on April 14th 1865 at 10:15.
He was killed by John Wilkes Booth.
Lincoln was shot while attending a show at Ford’s Theatre in washington D.C.
At first the audience thought it was a part of the show, but a horrible scream of terror from lincoln’s wife told them that this was not fake, the president had been killed.
Lincoln was the first president to be assassinated. -
This battle started on April 9th, 1865. Lee had left the Confederate capital of Richmond and Petersburg, hoping to escape with the pieces of his army of Northern Virginia. When union forces cut off his final retreat, Lee was forced to surrender, finally ending after four years. This battle field was made a national historical monument in 1940.