
Susanna Dickinson

  • When She was Born

    When She was Born
    That year is when she was born so that is when she was born. She was born in the middle of Tennessee.
  • When she moved to Tennessee

    When she moved to Tennessee
    So they moved to Tennessee because Santa Anna was getting closer and closer they wanted to move because he signed to be in the Texas army so that’s why.
  • When she got Married

    When she got Married
    So she got married with Almeron and had Angelina in the middle of Tenessee like her mother did she was born in the middle of Tenessee.
  • when she went to the Alamo

    when she went to the Alamo
    She got married with Almeron so that is actually when she got marred with Almeron.
  • When her daughter Was born

    When her daughter Was born
    So her daughter Angelina was born and when she was born they went to the Alamo with her and they called her the babe of the Alamo.
  • Texas was forever free from Mexican

    Texas was forever free from Mexican
    So they wrote a paper stating that Texas was free from Mexican but it was really called the Texas Declaration of Independence.
  • When her husband died

    When her husband died
    died So it was sad for Susanna because she started crying when she heard about the news he died in the Alamo because they were fighting for their freedom from Santa Anna.
  • When the battle started

    When the battle started
    It was the Sam Houston and his men went on to win freedom for Texas at the battle San Jacinto.
  • When her daugther died

    When her daugther died
    So that’s when her daughter died she died in the age 34 and it was sad to Susanna that’s when Angelina died.
  • When she died

    When she died
    That’s when she died and it was sad to a lot of people were were sad because she was one of our heroes in our country so that’s why it is sad that she died.
  • The End

    The End
    So thanks for readin my Susanna time line so I hope you liked my time line.