Susan b anthony

Susan B Anthony's Challenges

  • Birth

    Susan B Anthony is born. She starts crying very loudly, for quite some time, prompting her Dad to say, "She might not be that pretty; but she really has determination."
  • Meets Elizabeth Cady Stanton

    Susan B ANthony meets Cady Stanton. It's a major advantage to Susan B Anthony, because they both believe in the same thing, equall right for all.
  • Meeting Trouble

    Susan B Anthony goes to a meeting to speak about the bad effects of alcohol and cigeretts. However she isnt allowed to speak due to gender. Susan isnt very happy.
  • Womans Rights

    Susan B Anthony presents her petition for womans rights to the New York legislature. It dosent get approved.
  • Teaching

    Susan B Anthony is fired because of lack of funds and her gender. Mainly the latter.
  • Slavery

    Susan B Anthony presents her petition opposing slavery to congress. Nothing changes.
  • Speaking Tour

    Susan B Anthony goes on speaking tour to talk about womens right and slavery. She is ridiculed by many people.
  • Voting

    Susan B Anthony becomes the first woman to cast her vote. She is then arrested because of it.
  • Elizabeth Cady Santon Dies

    Susan B Anthony's best friend and partner Cady Stanton dies. Susan is very sad, but keeps trying to change the world.
  • Death

    Susan B Anthony dies.
  • Legislature

    The 19th amendment passes, giving women the right to vote. If only Susan B Anthony was still alive to hear about it...
  • Dollar

    Susan B Anthoy was put on a 1 dollar coin. It was also 2 things.
    1) It was the most diliked coin in history, due to the fact that it was the size of a quarter;
    2) It is the first coin to have a real woman on it unlike coins with Lady Liberty.