Susan B. Anthony Timeline

By s.nye24
  • Birth

    Susan B. Anthony was born in Adams, Massachusetts.
  • Started fighting against politics

    Started fighting against politics
    Susan B. Anthony grew up in a Quaker family and didn't understand the inequality of the society. Susan and her family then began to fight for the abolishment of slavery. They went to many meetings.
  • Began fighting for women's rights

    Began fighting for women's rights
    She was fighting against alcohol at a convention, when they said she couldn't have a say. She could not believe this and she wasn't going to let that happen again. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Anthony then began to fight for women's right.
  • Anti- Slavery Society

    Anti- Slavery Society
    Anthony now works for the American Anti-Slavery society. She organized speeches, and meetings. By doing this she helped spread the belief of abolishing slavery.
  • National Women Suffrage Association

    National Women Suffrage Association
    Anthony and Stanton founded the National Women Suffrage Association. She was the vice president, and Stanton was the president. They also wrote a newspaper called " The Revolution". These were very big subjects for this time period.
  • Voting

    She believed in women's rights so much she voted in the election illegally. She was arrested and put in trial. As a result, she was fined $100. Which she never payed.
  • History of Women Suffrage

    History of Women Suffrage
    She published "History of Women Suffrage". They gave primary sources from a women's point of view, so people could understand why they should have rights. There were three volumes of this book.
  • Combination of two groups

    Combination of two groups
    Stanton's and Anthony's different women's suffrage groups combined into one group. They fought for equal rights at a state and federal level. They made sure that women in Wyoming/west would be able to vote.
  • University of Rochester

    University of Rochester
    Susan raised $50,000 of pledges to make sure women get accepted at the University of Rochester. They still didn't have enough money so she put in her cash value of her life insurance. As a result, women were admitted.
  • Met with the President

    Met with the President
    She met with the President to get an amendment to give women the right to vote. 14 years later the 19th amendment was made. This gave all women the right to vote.
  • Failure is Impossible

    Failure is Impossible
    She gave her last speech about 1 mont before she died. A quote from her is "Failure is impossible". This became a motto for many suffragists in the future.
  • Death

    She died of heart failure.