Born Into A Quaker Family
Susan B. Antony was born in Adams, Massachusetts in 1820. Her family was Quaker, a religious group that believes in integrity, equality, simplicity, community, stewardship of the earth, and peace. These values were important to the Anthony family, which makes me think this impacted Susan B. Anthony and helped inspire her to fight for equality for all. She fought for equality for everyone, not just women, but she had the biggest voice in the women's suffrage movement. -
Moving to Rochester, New York
Susan B. Anthony moved with her family to Rochester, New York, where she was surrounded by individuals who were fighting for slavery to end. One of the people her family met in New York was Fredrick Douglass who was an escaped slave. I think that this move helped spark Susan B. Anthony's drive to fight for women's rights because it connected her with people who saw injustice and weren't afraid to speak up about it. -
Headmistress Of The Girls' Department At Canajoharie Academy
Susan B. Anthony's first paid job was to teach at Canajoharie Academy in the girls' department, where she was paid $110 a year. She had this job for 2 years and then was forced to head home to help her family on their farm after they suffered from a financial hit. I believe that this lead to Susan B. Anthony fighting for equal rights because she was experiencing the unequal pay first hand. $110 a year is not a liveable wage even back in 1846. -
Fighting For The Temperance Movement
The Anthony family was heavily involved with the Temperance Movement and Susan B. Anthony was not allowed to speak at one of the events because she was a woman. This instance is thought to be the reason she started to fight for women's suffrage because she experienced it first hand. Women could not be taken seriously in politics because they did not have the same rights as men so she decided to change that. -
References Part One
Quaker Values | QUNO. Retrieved from https://quno.org/quaker-values
Her Work. Retrieved from https://susanbanthonyhouse.org/blog/her-work/
Susan B Anthony c1855.png. (2011). [Image]. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_B._Anthony#/media/File:Susan_B_Anthony_c1855.png
Powers Building - Rochester, New York.jpg. (2009). [Image]. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Rochester,_New_York#/media/File:Powers_Building_-_Rochester,_New_York.jpg -
References Part Two
References Part Three
Temperance Movement. Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/a/students.lcpsnc.org/temperance-movement/