Susan b Anthony

  • Period: to


    Susan b anthony was born. She lived in adams Massachusetts. She lived in a quaker family of 8.
  • School

    At a young age Susans teacher refused to teach her. So her dad got a new teacher in the neighborhood. She got the education she needed.
  • First women's rights Convention

    In 1852 Susan B Anthony went to her first womens rights convention. This inspired her to dig deep down and inspire her to learn more about women's rights. She had a strong passion for women's rights.
  • She fought for women to be able to own property

    More than 1 person was agreeing with susan about women being aloud to own their own property. They wanted to be equal with men. So they fought for their rights.
  • She became a Anti-slavery society

    In 1856 Susan b Anthony became anti-slavery. Sence she was anti-slavery people were not nice to her. They had hostil mobs and also armed threats.
  • Arrested

    Susan got arrested in 1872. She got arrested because she voted in the front parlor on 7 madison street. 14 other women were arrested as well. She was fined $100.
  • Susan went to the university of Rochester to persuade them

    Susan help raise $50,000 in pledges to allow girls to go to the university of Rochester. She cashed out her life insurence to help pay for the policy. She wanted men and women to be equal.
  • Death

    Susan B, Anthony Died March 13th 1906. She died due to Pneumonia. She also had heart failure.
  • The 19th amendment

    She inspired the 19th amendment because she fought for women's right. She and several other women wanted women and men to be equal. She drafted the 19th amendment.
  • The first women on a coin

    Susan Was the first women to be on a coin. The coin was worth 1 dollar. After she was on the coin Sacaga and Helen Keller were also on a coin.