Supreme Court Milestones

By peegs
  • Creation of the supreme court

    Creation of the supreme court
    The supreme court is added into the third article of the constitution. This is significant for the justice in the future of the U.S.
  • John Jay

    John Jay
    In 1789, John Jay became the first chief justice of the supreme court. This is significant because he is the first to do so.
  • John Marshall

    John Marshall
    4th supreme court justice known for the case of Marbury v. Madison. This is significant because it was te first significant case.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    A supreme court case where William Marbury sues James Madison. Marbury claimed a part of the constitution was unconstitutional.This is significant because it gave the supreme court power to rule parts of the constitution unconstitutional.
  • Fletcher v. Peck

    Fletcher v. Peck
    Fletcher sold land to Peck and claimed previous sales of the land were legal. Perk bought the land only to hear from flectcher that the land was illegal to sell..It was the first time a state law had been invalidated in compensation for the constitution law.
  • Dartmouth College v. Woodward

    Dartmouth College v. Woodward
    The state legislature wanted to take control of dartmouth college. In a 6 to 1 vote state officials were not allowed to interfere with private schools.
  • McCollough v. Maryland

    McCollough v. Maryland
    The state of Maryland wanted to tax a congressional bank. The supreme court ruled out the tax because the states were not allowed to tax the higher exectutive branch
  • Gibbons v. Ogden

    Gibbons v. Ogden
    New York passed a state law that gave people the right to operate steamboats within the state but had to pay fees if they wanted to do buisness in other states. The congress ruled the law invalid and said it was an exclusive right to the congress.
  • Cherokee Nation v. Georgia

    Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
    Cherokee Indians were getting forcefully removed from there land in Georgia and did not like it so they took it to court. The Supreme court ruled that they could not help the cherokees because they were a domestic foreign nation. Georgia's people soon revoked their land
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    Worcester v. Georgia
    Worcester was a missionnnary who showed has opposition to the removal of the Cherokees in Georgia and was arrested. Georgia then passed acts that would give them control over the Cherokee land. Congressed ruled that the presence of Georgians on indian land was illegal unless they had legal authority to.
  • Commonwealth v. Hunt

    Commonwealth v. Hunt
    A labor union went on strike and were convicted. Chief Justice Shaw saw this as completely lawful and legalized the movement.
  • Dred Scott v. Sanford

    Dred Scott v. Sanford
    Dred Scott was a slave from the state of Missouri and upon the missouri compromise of 1820 unsuccessfully sued the missouri for his freedom. He then took it to federal court were he was also unsuccessful because under Article III of the constitution he is not a citzen because he was born from previous slaves and the missouri compromise was ruled unconstitutional. This is significant because it gave african americans less hope to overrule the abuse/wrongdoing against them in court.