Marbury v. Madison
This was a case in which William Marbury was not delivered his Justice of the Peace in the District of Columbia documents at the end of President John Adams term. He sued James Madison (Secretary of State) and asking the court to issue a writ, which required him to deliver the papers. At the end of the case the court was in favor of Madison. The effect of the case on the United States was trying to debate on how much power the Supreme Court have. -
McCulloch v. Maryland
This case was brought to the Supreme court because in 1819 the state of Maryland attempted to close down a nationally bank in Baltimore by passing a law that forced banks that were created outside of the state to pay a yearly taxes and their employee James McCulloch refused to pay the taxes. The court went in favor of McCullough. The case effect the United States by posing this question how much power does the government have over other states? -
Dred Scott v. Sandford
This case was brought to the Supreme Court because Dred Scott sued the widow of his slave owner John Standford, claiming that he was a free man because he had lived in a free states. The court favored in John Sandford saying that i was depended on the laws of Missouri, and not of Illinois. The effect this case had on the U.S was that it was one of the many things that lead to the Civil War. -
Plessy v. Ferguson
This case was brought to the Supreme Court because Hormer Plessy purchased a first-class ticket to sit in the white only section of a segregated railroad car. Plessy being one-eighth black was arrested for violating the Separate Car Act. The Supreme Court went in favor of Judge Furgon's ruling. The case affected the United States because it was used to define what the true meaning of "separate but equal". -
Korematsu v. U.S.
Korematsu v. U.S case was brought in front of the United States Supreme Court because after Pearl Harbor all Japanese American were sent to interment camps to protect the U.S. Fred Korematsu did not want to go to the camps so he posed as Mexican American and was later arrested for violating a executive order. The courts decision was in favored for the United States because it was in the matter of the United States safety. The case affected the United States foreign policy. -
Board v. Board Of Ed Topeka KS
This case was brought up in the Supreme Court because Linda Brown and her family believe that the segregated school system violated the Fourteenth Amendment. The court went in favor of the Browns saying that segregation was unconstitutional. The case affected the United States because it redefined the law for segregation. -
Mapp v. Ohio
This case was brought in the Supreme Court because Dollree Mapp home was searched against her will because police showed her a fake warrent. While searching her home they found a trunk of ponorgarphic materials and they arrested her for violating an Ohio law againist the pssession of obscence materials. The courts went in favor for Mapp becasue it violated Mapp Fourth Amendment. The case effcted the United States because it brought up the properuse for warrents. -
Gideon v. Wainwright
This case was brought up in front of the Supreme Court because Calernce Earl Gideon was wrongly convicted of a crime because he didn’t have enough money to get a lawyer, so he asked the court and the court declined his request. After he handwrote a petition the Supreme Court agreed to here is case. The courts went in favor of Gideon because the courts decision violated his Sixth Amendment right. This case effected the U.S because when a person is arrested that can be awarded the right to counsel -
Miranda v. Arizona
This case was brought up in front of the Supreme Court because Ernesto Miranda was arrested and during the questioning Miranda was not informed on his Fifth Amendment right to self-incrimination or his Sixth Amendment right to assistance of an attorney. The Court went in favor of Miranda because he was not informed of his rights. The effected the United State because now everyone has to be read their Miranda rights before the police can interrogate them. -
Tinker v. Des Moines
This case was brought up in front of the Supreme Court because John and Mary Beth wore black arm bands to school to protest against the United States involvement in the Vietnam War and they were later suspended from school after school officials asked the Tinkers to take the arm bands off. The court went in favor of Tinker because they’re First Amendment right was violated. This case affected the United States because it brought of the subject on does students right apply in school. -
Roe v. Wade
This case was brought up in front of the Supreme Court because Jane Roe was pregnant and wanted to abort her baby but in Texas it was a felony unless "on medical advice." She sued Wade because she said this law violated her First, Fourth, Fifth, North and Fourteenth Amendment rights. The court went in favor of Roe because women have the right to choose. This case affected the United States because it gave women the right it decided what they wanted to do with their bodies. -
This case was brought up in front of the Supreme Court because a student at New Jersey high school rights were violated when her purse was searched by the vice principal in a such for finding cigarettes after being accused of smoking in girls bathroom. The courts went in favor of New Jersey because of reasonable suspicion. This case effected the United States just like the Tinker case with how many rights do students have in school. -
Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
This case was brought up in front of the Supreme Court because Hazelwood East High School principal reviewed the school's student-written paper and found that two articles were inappropriate. So not wanting to miss the papers deadline he just deleted the whole page and the students felt that his censorship violated their First Amendment right. The court went in favor of Hazelwood School District because they felt like censorship did not violate the students First Amendment right. -
Texas v. Johnson
This case was brought up in front of the Supreme Court because Gregory Lee Johnson lit the American flag on fire and many witnesses were very offended and he was charged with desecration of a venerated object. The case went in favor of Johnson because it was protected behind the first amendment right. This case effected the U.S bring up the question what type of speech does the First Amendment protect.