Two man talked in prison. ]we don't really know who they are. -
two men stole a box -
Deam and Sam stole the rabbit foot, which was inside the box, from the two men -
after this they went to a restaurant and the weitress, who in fact was na experient thief, stole the rabbit foot from the boys. Her intentions were selling it and get much Money. -
the boys got back the luchy charm from the girl. She didn't give up and she followed Deam until she found him and Sam to get back the rabbit foot. -
Deam was clever and threw the foot direct in the girls hand. They knew that people are only affected by the rabbit's foot after touch it. The only way to stop the curse was burning the foot now. And they did it. -
At the end, Bella, the girl, who was very clever and not able to lose, stole the boys scratch papers, which were their only Lucky thing that was still left.