Summative Unit 1 Timeline

  • Period: to

    Time Line / that shaped my identity

  • Came to America 5-6 years ago

    Came to America 5-6 years ago
    Pretty much felt like I came to a whole new world so I feel like I practiced the open-minded skill since it was a whole new culture and I had to listen and see how they did things here and adjust to it.( not sure if it works like that but it is what it is)
  • Started going to school here

    Started going to school here
    Improved on the inquirer skill since all the things were new to me I had to ask questions and such to learn more.
  • Had to learn English

    Had to learn English
    I improved on my verbal-linguistic intelligence. "learning a new language fosters the development of verbal-linguistic intelligence and interpersonal intelligence"
  • Graduated Middle school and went to High school

    Graduated Middle school and went to High school
    Got better a bit in the risk-taker choice since high school was different from my middle school kind of everything was new so had to take risks here and there to improve.
  • I lost my Dad last year.

    Car accident, but I had pretty much improved on resilience, mindfulness, and self-motivation skills to kinda bounce back...
  • Started to go to the gym.

    I started to go to the gym about 4 months ago and lost almost 30 pounds and I still got a long way to go but it helped me build on my self-motivation and resilience skills.