summative task

By milo.w
  • A.D Ferdinand Assassinated

    A.D Ferdinand Assassinated
    Significantly destabilized all of Eastern Europe by causing a mass wave of fear and nationalism as neighbouring countries and long-time enemies sought to use the death of A.D Ferdinand as an excuse for war. After the death, Austria Hungary, declared war on Serbia. Serbia was backed up by Russia, while Hungary was backed up by Germany. England and France got into this as well, which leads to WW1.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    The first world war begins. Sir Robert Borden, the prime minister of Canada at the time, stated "It is not fitting that I should prolong this debate. In awful dawn of the greatest war the world has ever known, in hour when peril confronts us such as this Empire has not faced for a hundred years, every vain or unnecessary word seems a discord." I personally believe that this means he doesn't agree with war, however, conflict cannot be stopped.
  • Revolution in Russia

    Revolution in Russia
    The russian revolution was a time of political and social change for the Russian Empire. During this time, Russia abolished its monarchy and adopted a socialist form of Government. This follows into two successive revolutions and a civil war.
  • Spanish Flu

    Spanish Flu
    The spanish flu, also known as The Great Influenza pandemic was known to be exceptionally deadly. It was said to have started through some type of bird (avian origin.) The United States lost approximately 675,000 people due to this dangerous flu.
  • Roaring 20's

    Roaring 20's
    The 1920's was the first decade to be named. It was known as The Roaring 20's, or Jazz age. It was a decade of jazz bands, bootleggers, raccoon coats, bathtub gin, flappers, flagpole sitters, and marathon dancers. The Roaring 20's was a period of social revolution, which came after WW1.
  • Women's rights to vote

    Women's rights to vote
    Women finally gained the rights to vote in 1920, by the Nineteenth Amendment. Many women believed that it was their right to take a genuine and serious part in politics. They also recognized that political decisions affected their daily lives.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression was an economic shock that affected a TON of countries. It was a period of economic depression, hence the name. It became evident after a major fall of the stock prices in the United States.