Las ciudades en mesopotamia


  • 3000 BCE


    The Mesopotamians were polytheists, in each city a few gods were guarded, although there were some common ones. These include the pantheon formed by Anu, god of heaven and father of the gods.
  • 3000 BCE

    José Farfán

    José Farfán
    The difference in the position of the Mesopotamian king and the Egyptian pharaoh. The pharaoh is the one who orders the flooding of the river once a year, writing a papyrus with the order. Nevertheless, the Mesopotamian king is a man like everyone else, a member of the community and a subject of the gods, his task is to ensure the welfare of the entire population.
  • 2650 BCE

    The staggered pyramid of Zoser

    The staggered pyramid of Zoser
    The pyramid of Zoser is the tomb of the pharaoh Zoser (Necherjet Dyeser) of the III Dynasty of Egypt (c.2650 aC). It is now known as the staggered pyramid that was built by Imhotep, the first architect and engineer known in history. It is the most notable construction south of the city of Memphis, and was the prototype of the Egyptian pyramids.
  • Period: 2350 BCE to 1800 BCE


    The Akkadian Empire was a great kingdom of Mesopotamia formed from the conquests of Sargon I of Acad. It maintained its maximum splendor in the XXII century a. C. The cities of Mesopotamia were filled with monuments and steles that spoke of the greatness of the new empire and in writing, there was an important advance of the Akkadian language, which became the administrative language of the State.
  • Period: 1800 BCE to 1350 BCE


    Babylon was an ancient state of Mesopotamia. It originated from the united territories of Accadia and Sumeria. The tradition was founded four thousand five hundred years ago by Nimrod, who also built the famous Tower of Babel.
  • Period: 1350 BCE to 539 BCE


    Assyria was an important kingdom of Mesopotamia and the empire of the ancient Near East. It existed as a state of the twentieth century BC in the form of the city-state of Assur. Assyria became an important center of Syrian Christianity.
  • Period: 539 BCE to 1 BCE


    The Persian Empire is a series of imperial dynasties centered on Persia and Iran. The Mede empire, the Seljuk empire and part too, but as invading or occupying Persians of Persia, not proper Persian, although they adopted customs and traditions.
  • Period: 3 BCE to


    Sumerian was a region south of ancient Mesopotamia, between the mouth of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. The Sumerians are considered the first and oldest civilization with scripture in the world. Possibly from Iran or from Western India to the culture that founded the city of Mohenjo-Daro.