my mom birthday -20
my momma stared her frist jod -10
my mo told me they did thanksgiving different. -9
my momma had a babby before i was born but its dieed -5
my mom had her frist boyfriend -3
my birthday 0
im 12:)* -
we had our frist christmas we do stuff different. +1
2004 - Costas Simitis announces his resignation as president of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement in Greece. +3
my brother khaluv jordan lanier born in greeneville on nov.2 2007 +4
i was suprised :) -
i started my frist year of school kingergarden.(suhziah) +6
i was happy <3 -
my uncle juniorlee pasted away 8
Love him the death n all ways will...<3 -
suhziah played a flute -11
We moved to the house we in now!! +12
mom and da (TJ) got together in 2001 and seperated +12
i was happy <3 than i was sad </3 -
My sister zykhia nechea connor born in philly +13
shes bad but i love my little sister she 7 will be eight this year oct 26 ,2013. :)