Property bill U.S
The Married Womans property bill passes in the U.S Congress. Woman can now sue, be sued, make contracts and inherit and bequeth property. -
London Society form Suffrage movement
The London Society for Woman's suffrage is formed to campaign for female suffrage. -
Married Womans Property Act, Britain
The married woman's property act allows married woman to own their own property. Before this once married their property became that of their husbands. Divorce here heavily favoured men. -
Defeated at the Senate
The first vote on woman's suffrage is taken in the senate and is defeated- 34 votes against 16. -
Clementine Black
Clementine Black, secretary of the woman's trade union Legue, secures the first succesful egual pay resolution at the Trades Union Congress on the 22nd September. -
Woman Textile Workers
A delegation of Womans textile workers from Northern England present a 37,000 signatory petion to parliment demanding votes for woman. -
Christabel Pankhurst and Annie Kearney
These woman disrupted an election rally and went to prison after being found guilty and refusing to pay a fine. This imprisonment brought huge publicity to the campaign for the rights of woman. They were termed the Suffragettes. -
Qualification of Woman act
Under the qualification of Woman Act, woman can be elected onto the borough and county councils and can also be elected mayor. -
Wahington state adopts womans suffrage
Washington state adopts womans suffrage. Men vote in favour of letting woman vote. -
Woman over 30 granted the vote
Woman over 30 are granted the vote in Britain with the passing of the representation of the people Act.
Constance Markievics becomes the first woman elected to Westminster representing sinn féin. She got involved in radical politics through the suffragette movement and the irish nationalist movement. -
American Woman
American Woman win full voting rights. -
British woman gain voting rights
All woman in Britain gain equal voting rights as men under the Equal Franchise Act.