Pythagoras abc

Study of Practice Project

By akrall
  • Chose the topic I wanted to focus my study on.

    Chose the topic I wanted to focus my study on.
    I chose the Pythagorean theorem for several reasons. First, I love teaching this topic, and am interested in learning more engaging activities to use. Secondly, I will teach this topic at the end of my geometry unit, which gives me enough time to read the research and implement changes before I teach.
  • Period: to

    Study of Pratice Project

  • Started looking for research based articles

    Started looking for research based articles
    I went to and searched for articles pertaining to teaching the pythagorean theorem. I found twelve that looked like they would either contain research about how we learn the topic, or they offered alternate activites that support the topic.
  • Requested my articles using ILLiad, and compiled my reference list.

    Requested my articles using ILLiad, and compiled my reference list.
    I requested all twelve articles that I had found using the eric website. I want to read all twelve in their entirety to determine which will be valuable throughout the course of my study. I also submitted my reference list in APA format through Blackboard today.
  • Review my articles

    Review my articles
    As my articles have began to arrive I have been printing them and reviewing them to decide which will be useful and relevent to my topic and my literature review. I have done a quick read on most of them to determine their main content, and I am now going back and carefully rereading and taking notes on those I have found to be beneficial.
  • Drafting has begun

    Drafting has begun
    I have started to draft my literature review! I classified the information into a few categories: Ways to teach the Pythagorean Theorem with justifications, research backing the methods stated, engaging activities to use in class, and prior knowledge issues. I started my draft by taking each of these categories one by one and comparing and compiling the pertinent information from each article.
  • My literature review draft is complete!

    My literature review draft is complete!
    After quite a few hours of reading, re-reading, highlighting, and organizing my information and thoughts, my draft of my Pythagorean Theorem literature review is done. I organized my review into three major topics: Pythagorean triples, integrating PYthagorean Theorem with other topics, and activites that allow students to discover the rule themselves.
  • Brainstorm activities for the lesson

    Brainstorm activities for the lesson
    I started to go through all of the problems and activites that I found while doing my research and am thinking about how to modify/ use them in my instruction of this topic.
  • Begin writing revised lesson plans

    Begin writing revised lesson plans
    I have begun to write my revised lessons based ont he literature that I read during the course of my literature review. I have been adapting several activities that I discovered based on the recomendatinos given by the authors of the articles. I will be teaching the lesson a week from Monday.
  • Peer Review

    Peer Review
    I read both of the articles I was asigned to peer review and provided feedback to the authros regarding areas in which I felt they could tweak their papers. It was interesting to see how others decided to organize their information and resources versus how I did mine!
  • Read my peer revisions of my literture review

    Read my peer revisions of my literture review
    I read what my peers suggestions were for my literature review and began to try to find more direct quotes to include that will support my claims.
  • Create my lesson and write the lesson plan/rationale

    Create my lesson and write the lesson plan/rationale
    I finished creating the lesson I am going to teach, and the problems that will go in each center. I wrote the lesson plan and rationale that validates why I chose the lesson I did, and got the materials ready that I need.
  • Taught my lesson

    Taught my lesson
    I taught and videotaped my Pythagorean Theorem lesson. It went really well, and the students got a great amount of insight by discovering what the Pythagorean Theorem was on their own!
  • Editing my literature review

    Editing my literature review
    I have been editing my review to include more direct quotes that back up the claims in my paper.
  • Completed my essay and evidence of learning papers