Student Timeline

  • 1. Play Time

    1. Play Time
    Assignment 3
    1. Play time, Preschool we set aside play time so students could engage with one another to develop social skills which is a technology in itself. Language has evolved so much we see emojis becoming a language and effects how kids will communicate.
  • 7. Adderall

    7.	Adderall
    Though I am not for this I was forced from a young age (5) to take this pharmaceutical grade medicine, it was a piece of technology used so student attention spans would adapt with the demanding structure of school. My parents used this to treat “ADHD” tendencies.
  • 2. Interactive computer games

    2.	Interactive computer games
    First grade my school implemented computer lab where we learned the basics through games, I was very lucky to have a school that did this.
  • 3. Saving on floppy disc

    3. Saving on floppy disc
    This is also first grade but the first extensions of technology, the first comprehending of saving home work to an external source of technology. We had to bring it with us to class.
  • 4. Video Games

    4.	Video Games
    My first hand held video game system was a Gameboy, I played Pokémon, my friends would meet up link and trade Pokémon. Now entertainment and social bonding was going on through technology.
  • 5. Texas instrumental graphing calculator

    5.	Texas instrumental graphing calculator
    First piece of technology where we used this to solve formulas and for some of us download games to our calculators. The first sign of attention span changing, this was fifth grade for me.
  • 6. Block Scheduling

    6. Block Scheduling
    About sixth grade we had teachers for different subjects, everything was structured now with block scheduling, this class from this time to this time. This is a piece of technology I use today, but with google calendar
  • 8. Laptops

    8.	Laptops
    My 8th grade class issued us all laptops which changed the game when it came to us essentially being cyborgs. We had to have our laptops with us, in some way it was an extension of ourselves.
  • 9. Online classes

    9.	Online classes
    My high school implemented a system like canvas when I was a freshman so I had a system of in classroom learning as well as materials online. Teachers would even post things online instead of paper handouts in the classroom.
  • 10. Caffeine

    10.	Caffeine
    My current and college days consist of caffeine. This is an old technology I use to get my day started or find focus with homework. I am sure many people can relate, as well see advancements in coffee flavor and amount of caffeine.