Northern Ireland's Troubles
There was conflict between Catholics and Protestants in the Northern Ireland. In 1922 Ireland won the independence against Britain. "The Irish Republican Army attacked Protestants. while the Protestants military targeted the Catholics the violence raged for 3 decades. They all finally signed peace to each other. -
Israel is founded
Britain supported the Jewish national homeland in part of it's Palestine Mandate. Britain backed off from Palestine in 1948 so thew Jews wanted to proclaim the independent of Israel. "Arab states launched the first several war against Israel but were defeated" Israel was to strong for them. -
struggles over kashmir
The struggle over kashmir was the following of the independence. India and Pakistan fought over kashmir a sate that dealed with Hilmalays with muslim and Hindu population. During the year India and Pakistan agrred to stop fighting but in 1969 they fought again and then India forces attacked Muslim kashmiris. -
Fighting For Majority Rule
The government wanted to rule a lot of things. The police gunned down 69 men, women and children during peaceful times. As the government violence grew, "Mandela joined ANC militants who called for armed struggle against the white minority." "In the 1980s the demands for an end to apartheid and for Mandela's release increased." -
The United States Intervenes Military
"During the Cold War the U.S backed anti-communist dictators in Latin America." "In 1979, the U.S secretly backed up the military coup that toppled Chile's newly elected." The Nicaragua's were socialist rebels they ruled the Somoza family. The U.S president backed the contras who fought the Sandinistas them fighting raged until the 1990s compromise brought peace. -
A women leads India
When Nehru died in his office in 1964, two years went by the elected his daughter Indira Gandhi as prime minister. In other countries a lot of the women would get discrimination. During Indira Gandhi was prime minister she proved people that women in the world could hold powerful positions. -
Communist Crack Down
The economic reforms and more contact with the Chinese to demand greater political freedom. "In 1980s Chinese students and workers and others supported a democracy movement like those that were sweeping Eastern Europe." In 1989 there were thousands of demonstrators many of them were students that occupied the Tiananmen Square. -
Filipinos Demand Democracy
Marcos finally held elections in 1986 where it all started and the "voters voted for Corazon Aquino, window of the slain Benigno."
the democracy struggled and the economy grew during the 1990's but then slowed down. "Another corrupt president tried to cling to power in 2001. -
Rwanda and Burundi Face Deadly Divisions
"The small nation of Rwanda, in Central Africa faced one of Africa's deadliest wars." they both spoke the same language but they both had different traditions. "In 1994 extremist Hutu officials urged civilians to kill their Tutis and moderate Hutus were slaughtered. It lead to civil war but then in 2000 it lead to peace. -
Combating Population Growth and Property
"n other poor countries India's population growth hurt efforts to improve living conditions. While the population was growing it added pressure because India''s health care system which faced additional challenges after the 1990s after the diseases started to spread. "The government backed family planning but did not adopt the harsh policies that China did." The efforts slowed down the growth that had limited success. -
Property Threatens Livelihoods
"In Latin America like oth3er developing regions experienced population explosions that contributed to there property." The growth made population made everything go slower and put more pressure on peoples lives. Not a lot of the families got a lot of food because everybody needed food so all the farmers would work to get at least some food for there families to eat. They had a lot of land so they became the largest cities. -
Treaties Guide Global Trade
In 1995 more than 100 countries joined the World Trade. It was a goal to set global rules to make sure the trade was smoothly and freely as possible. The group of 8 known as (G-8) stands for international organization that made a lot of issues they were Great Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States and also Russia. -
Russia is Remade
After the break up of the Soviet Union Russia struggled to change the market economy. The criminals flourished and ruthless gangs preyed on owners of the new business. In 2000, they elected Vladimir Putin as president in Russia second free election. Putin put the projected to toughness and competence promising to end corruption and build Russia into a strong market economy. -
The Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
The government of that country Islamic fundamentalist group is called the Taliban they refused the U.S demands surrender the terrorist. Americans and allied forces to support the formation of a new temporary Afghan government. Two years after entering the Afghanistan, President Bush asked Congress to agree to a war on Iraq arguing that Iraq was secretly producing and the war was debated by the Americans and around the world because no WMDs were found. -
Global Disease Spreads Rapidly
With millions of people moving in an out of the countries a lot of disease can spread rapidly. Most of the diseases began in 1980 but none of the doctors would know until it was too late to help them. there was 20 million people that died of HIV/AIDS and today 40 million are effected. -
Kenya was under a lot of countries control they hold a of fights and disagreements in 2002 they finally became a democratic country. They dealt with migration. They speaked more the one language it was a big capital. -
Civil War Threatens Iraq
"Ethnic and religious divisions worsended pushing the country to the edge of civil war." "In Baghdad the Iraq capital in other area like Sunni and Shitte militias targeted each other." Their was suicide bombers and attacks that killed thousands of people. Iraq wanted to tell the government to take more responsibility. So the United States and Britain gave the Iraq military and police because they didn't have anything. -
Mubarak Resigns
The Egyptian president Honsi Mubarak resigns. The military supreme now commands control of the government. The people were celebrating having bonfires and blowing up fireworks because they were very happy. -
Tsunami in Japan
When powerful waves hit Japan destroyed mostly all houses and streets and there was 15,894 deaths. There 2,562 people that went missing after the tsunami hit. The people were left with no electricity they couldn't go no where a lot of people didn't have homes or anything to keep them safe. -
The Southeast Tournados
There was a tornado that happened in the southeast that killed around 200 people. The tornados in the South are very dangerous they would be unexpected and they would also be big that they destroy everything. A lot of people can die from a tornado unless than 24 hours so they try to keep track on the weather a lot in the South because you never know a other big tornado can happen and kill a lot more people. -
They killed Osama bin Landen
They killed him because he was the one that ordered the terrorist attack on September 11. He was the head of al-Qaeda. The muslims declared war on the United States because of Osama's death. -
Anthony Rizzo Cubs
Anthony Rizzo had 30 homers. He is born on August 8, 1989 he is 26 years old. Anthony Rizzo got drafted by a lot of teams but he is on the cubs and i think he is going to stay on the cubs because he is doing fine on the Chicago Cubs.