Hennig Brand discovered Phosphrous.
This was the first scientific discovery of an element. -
A mechanical universe with small solid
masses in motion was proposed by Isaac Newton. -
John Dalton Proposes an "atomic theory".
His theory is about spherical solid atoms based upon measurable properties of mass. -
Johann Dobereiner Proposed something.
He proposed that nature contained triads of elements the middle element had properties that were an average of the other two members when ordered by the atomic weight. -
Johann Dobereiner discovered the halogen triad.
it consisted of Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine. -
Michael Faraday studied electricity
He studied the effect of electricity on solution and "electrolysis". he developed the law of electrolysis. -
He built the first discharge gas tube. -
Loather Meyer
He classified elements into six families by their valance -
Dimitri Mendeleev
He arranged elements into seven groups with similar properties. He discovered the properties of elements known as the periodic law. -
James Clerk Maxwell
He proposed electric and magnetic fields filled the void -
Sir William Crookes
Discovered cathode rays -
He studied "Canal Rays" -
He proposed that electricity was made out of negative energy and called it electrons. -
Wilhelm Roentgen
He experimented and eventually found "x-rays" -
Henri Becquerel
he discovered some chemicals spontaneously decompose and give off very pentrating rays. -
Figured out mass was concentrated in the nucleus. -
He discovered the size of an atom and that canal rays are associated with proton H+