Strobel 2020 Timeline

By erennie
  • Period: 1500 BCE to 1000 BCE


    Vedas were written around 1500 BCE - 1000 BCE
  • 1300 BCE

    Moses led the Israelites from Egypt to Israel

  • 960 BCE

    King Solomon finishes the first Temple

  • 586 BCE

    First temple destroyed

  • Period: 586 BCE to 538 BCE

    Jewish Diaspora

    after Jews were exiled to Babylon
  • Period: 563 BCE to 483 BCE


  • Period: 551 BCE to 479 BCE


  • 538 BCE

    Cyrus the Great allowed the exiled Jews to return back to Jerusalem

  • 516 BCE

    Second Temple is built

  • Period: 470 BCE to 399 BCE


    Plato 428 BCE – 348 BCE and Aristotle 384 BCE – 322 BCE
  • Period: 333 BCE to 331 BCE

    Alexander the Great conquers the Land of Israel

  • Period: 322 BCE to 185 BCE

    Mauryan Empire

  • Period: 37 BCE to 1 CE

    King Herod rules over Jewish People

  • Period: 4 BCE to 30


  • 33

    Beginning of the spread of teachings through apostles

    The Gospel began to be preached on Pentecost, fifty days after Christ rose from the dead, and ten days after He ascended into heaven.
  • 70

    Rome takes over and destroy the Second Temple

  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    the Emperor Constantine issued this which accepted Christianity as official religion
  • Period: 570 to 631


  • 622

    1st Year Islamic Calendar

    Islam started in Mecca, in modern-day Saudi Arabia, during the time of the prophet Muhammad's life. Spread by trade and military.
  • 629

    Conquest of Mecca

    Muhammad conquers Mecca
  • 632

    Death of Muhammad and Sunni Shia Split

  • Period: to

    Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Period: to

    Persecution of Jews during Holocaust