strayan food culture

By brytra
  • Europeans arrive in Australia

  • Europeans arrive in Australia

    Europeans arrive in Australia
    Captain James Cook lands in Botany Bay
  • Food is introduced into Aboriginal culture

    Food such as flour, rice, salted meat, dried peas, sugar, alcohol, vinegar, seeds and vine cuttings are brought into Australia
  • Indigenous Food

    Before the Europeans arrived food was typically hunted and gathered
  • First Apple Tree

    The first apple tree was grown in Australia
  • Meat and Wheat

    Meat and wheat become abundant in Australia
  • Australia named Australia

    Prior to this Australia was named New Holland
  • Damper first mentioned

  • Pineapples brought into Australia

  • First gas stoves in Australia

  • First Australian cook book

  • Lamingtons invented

  • Anzac biscuit recipe published

  • Vegemite created

  • First supermarket to use barcodes