Stove Evolution

  • 1492


    It was the first time that humans could control fire and use it for their benefit, that means, cooking.
    It consisted of stones and dry branches that made a bonfire
  • Bonfire evolution

    Bonfire evolution
    Instead of placing the vessels directly on the fire, cement plates were placed.
  • Castro stove

    Castro stove
    It is the first design in which the fire is enclosed, this was a masonry construction with several hearths covered by perforated iron sheets.
  • Pottery stove

    Pottery stove
    This means that the fuel loading and entry and regulation openings open towards a service corridor so that the combustion air does not pass through the room; they are normally made of decorative tiles.
  • Iron stove

    Iron stove
    This new type of stoves were no longer used for heating but for cooking; they were very large machines with exhaust pipes connected to a chimney with an installation to heat water.
  • First gas stove

    First gas stove
    The Englishman James Sharp invented this machine, but it was not very successful because it was considered that the gas or fuel could be toxic, in addition to the fact that it used to fade the flavor of food.
  • First electric stove

    First electric stove
    The British Crompton and Dowsing created the first electric stove for domestic use. The basis on which the electric stove is based is linked to the invention of electric stoves.
  • Alberth Marsh electric stove

    Alberth Marsh electric stove
    the inventor Albert Marsh (American) whose element you irradiated, nickel and chromium, could reach high temperatures without melting
  • First British stove

    The heavy iron plate is replaced by a light refractory clay element, creating the first truly effective electric stove.
  • Automatic lighter

    Automatic lighter
    Automatic lighters were integrated for the grills and over time their size was considerably reduced and ovens were integrated into the base
  • Stove redesign

    Stove redesign
    After a while, an innovation was made in the gas stove model and a more versatile and comfortable model was created that would not generate as much harmful combustion for the environment and clearly for us; this is the one we know today.
  • Ceramic or induction stove

    Ceramic or induction stove
    They are cooking systems in which there is a glass between the heat source and the container that you want to heat; the ceramic hob has created a renovation in the kitchen since it is easier to clean, in addition to saving more energy because it shows red on the plate when it is hot