Stossi's Timeline

By Stossi1
  • 500


    -Created 10 groups of people based on where they lived, but not by wealth
    -All citizens could submit laws
    -Created the Council of Five Hundred
    -Let Athenians practice limited democracy
    -Only free adult white male property owners born in Athens were considered citizens
    -Women, slaves, foreigners were not citizens
  • Feb 5, 621


    -Developed a legal code based on the idea that all Athenians, rich or poor, were equal under law
    -His laws were very harsh towards criminals
    -Death was the punishment for almost every crime
    -He upheld slavery
  • Solon

    -No citizen should own anoother citizen
    -Outlawed debt slavery
    -Created 4 social classes based on wealth
    -Only members of the top three classes could hold political office
    -Everyone could practice Athenian assembly
    -Any citizen could bring charges to wrong doers
  • Pericles

    -Came from a rich and high-ranking noble family
    -Known well for his political achievements
    -Leader of Athens
    -He fought in the Persian Wars