The Beginning Of Our Tale
This is the very first scene in Storyteller, one of Denmark's many failed attempts to propose to his life-long love Norway. This scene was set in Washington DC on the fourth of July. -
The First Proposal
Denmark officially proposes to Norway and Norway says yes. He, later that night, shows Denmark what the curl on the side of his head does. -
The First Marriage
Denmark and Norway celebrate their marriage with friends and family. -
Norway's First Pregnancy
Norway finds out, after a month long honeymoon, that he is pregnant with Denmark's child. -
First Child Of The Nations
A very healthy baby girl, Ailsa Sofia Kohler, is born after nine months of crazy mood swings and 'nutty' cravings to add to the Kohler Family -
Ailsa's First Meeting
Ailsa Kohler goes with her father, Denmark, to her very first World meeting. -
Norway's Second Pregnancy
Denmark is informed by his husband that they are going to have another child and Norway suspects that this time it will be a boy. They decide to tell their daughter on christmas morning.