Story of US

  • Jan 1, 1100


    Crusaders were a religious wars between Catholics and Muslims. It was over the Holy land, called Jerusalem. We could remember the time between Cathoilcs and Muslims today
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus Voyage

    Columbus Voyage
    The Columbus voyage was a huge success. It had 2 large ships that sailed. WHen he first sailed, he thought the earth was flat and was going to face off. It then discovered what we al call, America first discover America
  • Jul 7, 1497

    Vasco da Gama Voyage

    Vasco da Gama Voyage
    Vasco da Gama was a famous Portugese explorer, who led 170 men of 14 crew ships frpm Europe to Asia. Asia had riches and vauable goods. The journey started 1497 of July 7th. Da Gama voyage was successful and he returned home, but unfortunately only half of the crew would survive. By the time they arrive it was Portugal September 1499. Famous Portugese Explorer
    2 years to finish the journey
  • Apr 2, 1513

    Ponce de leon explores Florida

    Ponce de leon explores Florida
    A Spanish explorer name wa Juan Ponce de Loen landed the eats coast of Flordia in 1513. First Eurpean to reach the North American mainland. Leon was born in1474 in the town of Palencia in Spain. He was from a noble family and that was an respectful family. He move to the island of Son Juan(known as Puerto Rico). He conquered the territory of discovering gold. On APril 2, 1513, he made history to discover the coast of Florida. April 2, 1513
    founded Florida
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Postings of 95 Thesis

    Postings of 95 Thesis
    A monk name, Martin Luther didn't like how the church was going on and was teaching pepele the wrong things. He posted the 95 Thesis, which means the negative things that the church had been doing. Martin Luther changed the church and made his own, called Lutherism.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    King Herny VII'S 1st Marriage

    King Herny VII'S 1st Marriage
    King Herny was first marriage to Catherine. Catherine had two miscarriages and had a girl name, Mary. When Henry didn't get his son that he requested for, he wanted to divorced her. the Catholic Churches didn't allowed people to be divorced, which was the Pope. King Herny failed to have a son by his wife
  • Jan 1, 1532

    King Herny Divorce

    King Herny Divorce
    King Herny wanted a divorce of his first wife Catherine, because she haven't gave him his son yet. He now went to the Pope for a divorce from Catherine. The Pope refused his request and King Herny made his own church to finnaly divorce his wife and look for another to have a son. Came to America to be free and haven't had a son yet
  • Jan 1, 1533

    De Soto explores the Mississippi River

    De Soto explores the Mississippi River
    In, 1533, a guy by the name of De Soto explored, what we call now the Mississippi River. He beagn exploring the southereatern portion of the U.S. The first Eurpean to see the Mississippi River no one would explore and founded Mississippi
  • Jan 1, 1537

    King Henry Son

    King Henry Son
    King Henry Viii was the king of England and he married his first wife Catherine, a Spanish Catholic princess. She had a boy, but the son was miscarriage. Finally, King Henry had his son, by his 3rd wife, Jane Seymour name Edward and he became the King of England untio he died at the age of 15. Then Elizabeth, Henry's first born, would take over and wuld be the Queen of England. Son takes over and after he dies, Elizabeth takes over all
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Francisco Vázquez de Coronado explores Grand Cayon

    Francisco Vázquez de Coronado explores Grand Cayon
    Francisco Vázquez de Coronado and his army discovered and described the Grand Cayon. The Grand Cayon of Coronado led his army in 1542. accomplishment in history
  • Jamestown eatblished

    Jamestown eatblished
    Jmaes town was founded in 1607. 44 men stated in Virgina. Later in 1607 it was now caled Jmaestown. Itwas mainly called, "swapy land". The greatest leader of Jamestown was, John Smith. Jamestown would be burned and then be rebuilded and grow and thrive. first colony
    good colony
  • Plymouth

    Settlers of Plymouth were unprepared for living in Massachuettes. The settlers that was arriving in Mass. arrived in 1620. Plymouth was discovered after Jmaestown was found. never been a city
    friends with the Indians
  • King Philip War

    King Philip War
    In the 1st Thanksgiving, the Wampanoags, who dressed like Indians. The Indians dressed non-prpoer. Now the colonist dressed proper. King Philip was a Native American. He was from Metacom, and the leader of the Wampanoags, The Sachem. 1st Thanksgiving
    Wam. liked Indians relatives
  • French/Indian War

    French/Indian War
    The French and Indian War was one of the most best wars ever. The Frencha nd Indian War started with Geroge Washington, he was a frenidly commander. Later he kilted the ambassdor. taught us
    the war never have been seletced
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    In 1763, Treaty of Paris officiallly ended a war. 4 sides of the war was involved in this situation. The battle of the French and Indian was in this treaty. France lost all the land they had in North America. They got to keep sugar. Spain gets the land and all the land of the west of the Mississippi River. both were even
    made land settlement
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was establishe in 1765. The Paliament was now able to print materials, so they can use them. The colonist had the first tax. Only the House of Burgess said that only Viriginia can tax there residents. John Dickson, the Stamp Act Congress wrote the Declaration of Rights anD Grievances, which means complants. we still use ang tax
    started in 1765
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    The Townshend Act ws name after, Cahrels Townshed. It was England's Treasure. It was also caled, "Revenue Act". It was tax one glass, led, paper, paint and other goods. The British soliders would search any hoema nd every home they wanted. John Dickson wanted untion, between the two. also caled Revenue Act of 1767
    Charles Townshend
  • Coercive Acts

    Coercive Acts
    The Coercive Acts beagn the same year of the 1st Contintal Congress began. Tea Party was the Boston part or caled,"Harbon". It was shut downa nd later paide off for. A lot of things happened, move colonists, more quatering soldiers. It was also called, "Intolerable Act". started the same as the Contnental Congress started
    Boston Harbo/Tea Party
  • 1st Continetal Congress

    1st Continetal Congress
    The 1st Continetal Congress once began on Septemver 5, 1774. It was perivously held from Philadelphia, PA. 55 delgates from 12 colonies were there and was involved with the Declaration of Rights and Grievnces was written. All declared loyalty to the king. All condemned the Coercive Act. They agreed to meet 1 year later on the same month and ay, September 5, 1775. Philadelphia PA
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    Now here comes the biggest battle that have yet to come, Lexington and Concord. Concord had militia suppies. Britsh wanted to take the supplies before the colonist did. On April 18, 1775, the Britsh troops moved from Boston to Concord. It was officailly begun the next day and troops of the British were powerful and strong. 19th of April, 1775
    1st Bttle of the American Revolution
  • 2nd Continental Congress

    2nd Continental Congress
    After the battle of Lexington and Concore meeting , the 2nd Continetal Congress met 3 weeks. The meeting of the Congress met in Philadelphia, PA. Later in Jan. 1777, Thomas Paine wrote the common sense. This Common Sense men tthe Declaration of the Preamble, Declaration of Natural Rights, Life, Liberty and pursuit and happiness. The last of the lis was the List of Grievances. referred as the United States of Amefica
    4 imporatnt parts of the 2nd Continetal Congress, whic hwe still use today
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    Treaty of Paris 1783
    On Ocober 9, 1781, 2 years before the Tretay of Paris 17683 the war ended. All was left is to sign the treaty, indeed they did. On Spetember 3, that same year, 13 colonies signa dn nom more battles at last. without the treay we would still be having battles with England
    1783, year of a new country
  • Louisana Purchase

    Louisana Purchase
    In 1803, the U.S purchaes a large land from Fench. The reason why the U.S wanted so musch, becuase they wanted large ares, so they can grow crops and raise livestock. It was 828, 000 miles for the U.S to have and costed them 15 million dollars. they wanted for a good amount of money
    wanted to grow crops and raise livestock
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    The Lewis and Clark Expedition was a huge adventure. This was the turning point for the Ameican west. The Lewis and Clark Expedition was named after, two guys(famous), by the name of Meriweather Lewis and William Clark. A lot of bad things an dgood things hapen. The adventure was an success. May 14, 1804 official began the journey
    15-20 miles a day
  • Westward Expansion

    Westward Expansion
    The War of 1812 was a war like no other, U.S once again declares war aganist Britain. The reason of the Wra of 1812, because British attempts to restrict U.S trade. There wer ROyal Navy's imprisonment of American sailors and American's long to expand there territiory, that the battle began that year in July. The U.S army didn't have that much support of army compared to British and the U.S army. WAR of 1812
    many battles ansd attacks
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    The Oregon Trail began inn 1814. Hundreds of people travel and even more. The route began in Missouri and ended in Oregon City. It was a total of 2,000 miles. People had travel to Nebraska, Kansa and other place. The travle was successful. more people travel(100)
    2,000 miles a day
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    In 1848 and through 1855, it was this rush was caled California Gold Rush. There were over 300,000 people. They wanted to be rich really badly, because there were wealthy people. The journey took, 5-7 months. more people
    cost alot of money
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Ubnderground Railroad wasnt really underground or a railroad. The route lead to Cananda. People help slaves to be free. One of the slaves help slaves escaped to freedom, Harriet Tubman. The route was 2,000 miles and don't forget, they also walked. There were between 10-15 groups, along signs. They had food, lodged and it alson cost money. The most important thing, they escaped to freedom, called the "North Star". FREEDOM AT LAST
    TUBMAN had a gun, but never used it
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    In the start of Civil Wa, it started a Fugitive SLave Law and the word fugitive means,:run away". It required all citixens to help return fugitve slaves. People that helped the fugitve slaves would be fined with 1,000 dollars or 6 months in jail. the judgs would recieve nothing for each slave
    the judges get 5 dollars for slaves staying in the North
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    In 1857, it was this major case decision, called the "Dred Scott Case". Dred Scott was a slave with the owner of miltary doctor who lived in Missouri. Don't forget Missouri is a slave stae. In Wisconsin, that is a free state. Later, the doctor would die. The familt would come and collect the inheritance nad Dred Scott. He was now set free, no longer a slave. wasn't a slave
  • John Brown Raid

    John Brown Raid
    John Brown was a radical abolitonist, he was a white amle. He wanted to start rebellion. John planned to raid(attack) the arsenal at Harper's Ferry, VA na dgive weapons to slaves. No oone told the slaves about Brown's plan. John Brown and his 9 sons attack the arsernal, but were capture(late nigt) in Decmber. Sotherners thought all Northerners were like John Brown. The north thought Brown was crazy attack to people
    rebillion slave
  • Battle of Ft. Sumter

    Battle  of Ft. Sumter
    The battle of Ft. Sumter was one of the major battles in the Civil War. The battle of Ft. Sumter was on April 12, 1861. Ft. Sumter was controlled by the Union(U.S). The Union soldiers surrendered and the Confederate would win the war. The war would last 6 months, says Lincoln. The Union had other battles to get a victory. the Conferdate would win
    over turned the battles