On this day Jose Gabriel Valenzuela Espinoza was born. -
I Start Walking
I begin roaming the earth on two legs, no arms no elbow all legs, Aint No Body Help ME -
First Word
Once i had said my first word all diffrent types of words startred to roll off my tongue -
I no longer needed diapers because yes i leanred to poop on the toilet. -
First Day of School
On this day Gabriel Valenzuela was now a full fledged student. -
Ride a bike
After gettting my first bike i decided to take it for a test run and it was a success. -
First Soccer MAtch
n this day i played soccer and won a very first step to many wins -
Little sisters Birth
On this day I was no longer the youngest i was a proud middle child. -
Disneyland trip
This was our first family vacation we went to disneyland in california -
2nd little brothers birth
not only am i a older brother to a little sister and bro but anouhter litttle bro too named Sebastin -
Quince Anos
Although i dint have a party its still a very important age to turn signifiying maturity in my culture -
Drivers Permit
This day began my jouney to drining by my self as in 6 months i will be able to get my license -
First Job
i recieved my first job and paycheck from del rey cleaners. -
I want to go to mcc after high school to finish all my university requireements -
Get a better job
As soon as i graduate i want to get a better job to pay for my more expensive bills and not rely so much on my parents -
I want to get married to the girl of my dreams jen Selter -
i want to live a fullfilling life that i wont regret at my death bed a life that everyone will remmber a life at peace and of happiness