Artworks 000342907224 nm0h5d t500x500

Story Of My Life

  • I Was Born

    I Was Born
  • My little sister was born

    My little sister was born
  • My little brother was born

    My little brother  was born
    I know, we looked like street kids.
  • My first surgery

    My first surgery
    When I was 5 years old, they detected a problem with my kidneys
  • I arrived to Bogotá with my mom

    I arrived to Bogotá with my mom
  • My second surgery

    My second surgery
  • I Started to study in Bogotá

    I Started to study in Bogotá
  • we bought our own apartment

    we bought our own apartment
  • I met my friends

    I met my friends
  • I Graduated to highschool

    I Graduated to highschool
  • I Came to Cartagena

    I Came to Cartagena
  • I Started to study in UDC