Story of My Life

By zkaiser
  • Born

  • First Day Of School

    First Day Of School
  • Graduate 8th Grade

  • First Day Of High School

    First Day Of High School
  • Graduate High School

    Graduate High School
  • Start College

    Start College
  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
  • Start Job At Hospital

    Start Job At Hospital
  • Get Married

    Get Married
  • Birth of First Kid

    Birth of First Kid
  • move to boston

    move to boston
  • Have 2nd kid

    Have 2nd kid
  • Promotion To Lead Surgeon

    Promotion To Lead Surgeon
  • Have 3rd and Final Kid

    Have 3rd and Final Kid
  • Watch Brewers Win World Series

    Watch Brewers Win World Series
  • Retire

  • Birth of First Grand-Child

    Birth of First Grand-Child
  • Move Back To Wisconsin

    Move Back To Wisconsin
  • Birth of First Great-Grandkid

    Birth of First Great-Grandkid
  • Death
