story of my life

  • Birth

    I was born on May 5 2001. cinco de myo, I remember it because I always go to a chineese resturaunt for my birthday dinner.
  • weight

    When I was born I was 4 pounds 15 ounzes and science I was so small i had to stay in the hospital for a week.
  • little green truck

    little green truck
    From 2002 to 2003 i would push a little green truck every where. in the house in the yard in the snow, everywhere. it is what helped me learn how to walk.
  • Root Beer

    Root Beer
    When I was little and just barely able to walk, my mom ada my uncle and aunt would sit in a circle, hold a cup of root beer in there hands and have me walk to them to get a drink. and I have loved root beer ever scine.
  • Grandpa and Grandma Tummy

    Grandpa and Grandma Tummy
    When I was able to talk my great grandpa had a big belly so I called him grandpa tummy.
  • new house

    new house
    When I was 3 years old my new house was being built and I loved watching the heavy machenary. Also started gymnastics.
  • Stairs

    I loved going up and down the stairs at my new house because it made me feal like a big boy.
  • Urope

    When I was in kidergarden I went to Urope with my mom my dad and my grandma. me and my went down the elps on an old fasion sled and tipped over.
  • skiing

    While my dad was on a bussnis trip my mom decided to take me to Mt. Holly to teach me hoy to ski. I was a nateral said my mom.
  • The snow

    The snow
    Ever cence my first winter I have loved the snow. I loved sleding skiing and snow ball fights. I even loved getting snow in my face. I love to snow board and ski.
  • Eating crap at Mt. Holly

    Eating crap at Mt. Holly
    Sadly on my last day of the season i went off a jump and eat crap. I landed back first on the snow and had to go to the hospital.
  • First Day of High School

    First Day of High School
    My first day of high shool was a breez. I didnt get picked on and made alot of new friends.
  • Quakers

    All my life I had a stuffed duck. I named it quakers. and I took it everywhere. I would take it to my friends my grandparends any where over night.
  • Medicine

    My mom has told me that I always took my medicine like a champ. I never complaned about the tast our the texture.
  • Last Day of High School

    Last Day of High School
    I want my last day of high school to be the best day of my high school life. I am going to pull a big senior prank and it wil be funny.