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Jourdan’s Life Story

By jxaxsig
  • The Day I was Born

    The Day I was Born
    The time where is cool and amazing person was born .. ME!
  • My First Friend in Elementary

    My First Friend in Elementary
    When I transferred from another school and my friend name Kaydence which she is now my best friend and sister from another mother came into my life and made my childhood memorable and fun and I am grateful that she's a blessing in my life. I wouldn't have anyone but her only no matter what.
  • The day I met my family

    The day I met my family
    This was the day when my friends and I started hanging out with each other and ever since that we’ve been getting closer and closer every minute of the time. I love my family and I am grateful for all of them. I love them so much.
  • My Baby Sister

    My Baby Sister
    She was born on this day. I will never forget her and I lover her with all my heart. May she Rest In Peace In heaven and she will always be my baby forever no matter what.
  • The Nationals

    The Nationals
    The day when I got scouted for the nationals and also the same day where me and my team was challenging Agueda.
  • Graduation Day 2023

    Graduation Day 2023
    The day where I had been through rough and calm times. The day where I become an independent women and on my own in the world. My time has come to start my journey through this rough world. I won't let anyone ruined my dreams for my future and my goals in life. Now again with school in college. Yay !
  • Billionaire Time

    Billionaire Time
    When I became RICH RICH guys.