Japanese invasion of China
On July 7th, 1937 japan invaded china. The invasion stemmed after The Marco Polo incident which led off into a battle between china and japan. The war ended with japan surrendering on September 2 1945. -
Germany's invasion of Poland
After Hitler's rise to power, Hitler sought out to invade Poland. Hitler ideology was to make Germany pure and and become a superior race. The invasion was set on September 1, 1939 -
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German Blitzkrieg
Operation Barbarossa
Operation barbosa was the invasion of the soviet union. This was Germany's attempt at conquering the western soviet union. Their ideology was to take over the western soviet union and repopulate with germans. -
Pearl Harbor
This was a surprise attack by japan. The attack was by air strike against the US naval base on December 7, 1941 -
Wannsee Conference
The Wanswee Conference was a meeting of senior Government officials of Nazi Germany and schutzstaffel. The Purpose of the meeting was to discuss the "Final solution" against the jews. -
Battle of Stalingrad
This was a major battle of WWII. Nazi Germany and it's allies fought the soviet union to control stalingrad. This took place Febuary 2, 1942 -
Operation Gomorrah
This was an attack against Hamburg. It's said to be one of largest firestorms raised by the royal air force within WWII. Reportedly 42000 were killed and 37000 were wounded. -
Allied invasion of Italy
Mussolini visioned a "new Rome" in Italy but with the defeats that took place made Italy look as more of a "puppet" making them dependent on the much stronger ally Germany. A opposing group in Italy planned to overthrow Mussolini but with German presence made them inferior and eventually surrendering to Germany. -
D-Day (Normandy Invasion
This war was the liberation of western Europe from Nazi Germany.This one the most largest fought out invasions in history. on behalf of the Americans their allies Britain and Canada provided support against Nazi Germany. -
Operation Thunderclap
this operation was actually a cancelled plan. This plan was supposed to be a massive attack on Berlin but eventually was reevaluated and said to fail. -
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Battle of Iwo Jima
Battle of Okinawa
was simply a series of wars fought out by japan. Japan was losing ground so they used many tactics such as the kamikaze tactic. -
VE Day
VE Day or Victory in Europe day marks the surrendering of nazi Germany. This was a celebration of the end of Europe partaking in WWII. More than 1 million people celebrated. -
Potsdam Declaration
This was the surrendering of Japanese armed forces during WWII. The Potsdam Declaration is an outlined document in which japan surrendered. -
Dropping of the atomic bombs
This was the US attempt to bring the war to a "speedy" end. POTUS Harry truman had planned to use atomic bombs to end the war with japan. although his advisors warned him about the many US casualties the bomb was still set leaving more than 80,000 deaths. -
VJ Day
VJ day or Victory over japan day is basically self explanatory...VICTORY OVER JAPAN! this was the official surrendering of japan in WWII and in turn ending the war. -
Battle of the Bulge
This is Germany's most deadliest battles ever fought out. This war was between the US and Germany. at times it seemed that The US was nearly getting annihilated by Germany but when fuel, ammunition, and supplies ran low in Germany, The US took control and held off for a victory.